How do I help correct Machine Learning Extracted Names in 1950 Census

I have been reviewing my family members and in the list of "Machine Learning (AI) Extracted Names" there are a few transcribed errors. I lived in the area and knew the people on the pages for Texas ED 37-38. How do I pass on the correct information? My grandparents seem to be one of them. This is not a complaint, I know the work that is going into indexing, transcribing and there are going to be errors. I commend the volunteers and their hard work, I just wanted to know who to pass on this information to.

  • I attempted to follow your instructions for registering my e-mail and receiving a code to enter in order to be allowed to correct my father's name in the 1950 Census.  The code was not received even when I requested that it be resent, nor was it sent to my spam folder.  Is there something more I should do?

  • I'm sorry you're having this issue. Try again - or try a different email address, or use a different web browser.  Our website developers are aware that people are having problems and are working on solutions.  I myself have had the same problem with one of my personal email addresses, but not other personal email addresses.  Thanks for your interest in transcribing.

  • Dear Ms. Scott,

    Thank you for posting your request on History Hub!

    The draft 1950 census index was created using machine learning assisted Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which can be inaccurate due to issues such as: illegible handwriting, poor image orientation (slightly sideways), variations in image quality (light, dark, or poor contrast), text obscured by handwritten flourishes from letters on the line above or below, different handwriting styles, and because surnames written only on the line for the head of household and other persons in the household with a different surname. For more information see 1950 Census:  Please Help NARA Refine the Draft Name Index!

    The 1950 Census website has a built-in transcription tool for you to submit corrected transcriptions. If you know that a name was written incorrectly by the census enumerator (writer) or has been incorrectly transcribed by the OCR, we encourage you to submit a transcription with the correct spelling of the name. Each line allows for up to 5 transcriptions to allow for variations and corrections. To do this, click on the “Help Us Transcribe Names” button when viewing a population schedule. Follow the prompts to register your email address. After verifying your email address, the tool will walk you through how to submit a transcription. See 1950 Census:  Transcription Tool FAQs for more information.

    We hope this is helpful.