Article How To: Help Answer a Question

History Hub users have an amazing wealth of information and experience. If you happen upon a question and have knowledge to share, it's easy to help answer a question.

  1. Make sure you're signed in to History Hub with your user account.
  2. Navigate to the post. There are lots of opportunities to help in the Genealogy, Military Records, and Citizen Archivists communities.
    (See also, How To: Browse for Content)

  3. When you find a post that you can offer help to, click "Reply" at the bottom of the post.

  4. If you located images of the records, documents, or photos that are relevant to question, they can be easily included! See How to add a picture to your post or comment.

That's all there is to it! All posts and replies are moderated, so there may be a short delay while your submission is reviewed and posted.

Thank you for contributing to History Hub!