Article How To: Browse for Content

There are several ways to find what you're looking for on History Hub.

How to find your own questions

You can access your past questions in your 'Profile' page, which you can access by clicking on your user avatar in the upper-right corner:

On the Profile page, click the "Questions" tab:

How to find new questions to help answer

When looking at a community (for example, the Genealogy Overview Page), the list of "Top Questions" will show threads from all the related forums (for example, general Genealogy topics, Census Records, and Immigration and Naturalization Records).

By default, this list is sorted by most popular for the benefit of new users looking for answers to common questions. However, there are several options to filter and sort this list:

  1. Filter 1 will allow you to select which type of Questions you want displayed, such as all questions, only unanswered questions, or only questions you've participated in.
  2. Filter 2 will allow you to sort the list of Questions by Views (generally the default setting), Thread Date, Last Reply Date, Number of Replies, etc.

  3. Filter 3 will allow you to organize the list in descending or ascending order.

If you are only interested in one of the sub-communities (such as Census RecordsImmigration and Naturalization Records, or general Genealogy), go to that forum directly.

We hope this is helpful.