Where can I find information about the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) that was proposed during the Clinton Administration?
Appreciate any guidance. Thank you.
Where can I find information about the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) that was proposed during the Clinton Administration?
Appreciate any guidance. Thank you.
Dear Legal Eagle,
Thank you for posting your question on History Hub!
The William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum, a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), physically houses over 78 million pages of documents, 20 million emails, 2 million photographs, and 12,500 videotapes created by the Executive Office of the President between January 20th, 1993 and January 20th, 2001. Currently, we only have a small percentage of our entire collection open and available for research, and of these open records an even smaller percentage has actually been digitized and placed online either on our Digital Library and/or on the National Archives Catalog (NAC).
We have searched our open records (both digitized and non-digitized) located on our Digital Library website and on the National Archives Catalog (NAC) using various search terms that might be responsive to your request. Please note that since some of our open collections have been digitized and placed online on both our Digital Library website and on the NAC, there might be duplicative records among the search results.
A keyword search of our open records on our Digital Library website using the term "National Economic Security and Recovery Act" returned zero results where these terms were mentioned.
A keyword search of our open records on our Digital Library website using the term "NESARA" returned zero results where this term was mentioned.
A keyword search of our open records on our Digital Library website using the terms “National Economic Reformation Act” returned zero results where these terms were mentioned.
A keyword search of our open records on our Digital Library website using the terms "National Economic Security" returned 24 results here where these terms were mentioned.
A keyword search of our open records on our Digital Library website using the terms "Economic Security" returned 1,555 results here where these terms were mentioned.
A keyword search of our open records on our Digital Library website using the terms "Economic Recovery" returned 1,459 results here where these terms were mentioned.
You can then limit the above searches or any further searches that you do yourself on our Digital Library website by using the links on the left hand side of the search results page under the heading "Limit Your Search". If you just see "Item" next to a search result, then it means that the item has been digitized and is on our Digital Library. If you see "Collection Finding Aid" next to an item on the search results page, it means that this is a finding aid for an open collection. This collection might already be digitized on our Digital Library in its entirety. You can compare the finding aid with the collections digitized on our Digital Library by either clicking on the finding aid, scrolling down to the "Description" section, and looking for words similar to "View digitized files"; or by going to the website located here: https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/collection-tree. Although open, the collection finding aid might also be of a collection that has not been digitized and placed on our Digital Library. If this is the case, then you would either need to view the collection in our Research Room or order a reproduction. You can search our Digital Library by using the search box on the left hand side of the home screen. You can click the three elipses near the magnifying glass in order to define your search as a "keyword", "Boolean", or "exact match". Also make sure that the "item" and "collection" boxes are checked. You can also use the Advanced Search Result feature to search by going here: https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/items/search. More information about searching our Digital Library can be found here: https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/searching.
A search of our open, digitized records on the NAC using the terms "National Economic Security and Recovery Act" returned zero results where these terms were mentioned.
A search of our open, digitized records on the NAC using the term "NESARA" returned zero results where this term was mentioned.
A search of our open, digitized records on the NAC using the terms "National Economic Reformation Act" returned zero results where these terms were mentioned.
A search of our open, digitized records on the NAC using the terms “National Economic Security” returned four results here where those terms were mentioned.
A search of our open, digitized records on the NAC using the terms “Economic Security” returned 754 results here where those terms were mentioned.
A search of our open, digitized records on the NAC using the terms “Economic Recovery” returned 741 results here where those terms were mentioned.
To conduct additional searches of specific keyword terms on the National Archives Catalog, first go here: https://catalog.archives.gov/. Then type in the search term(s) that you want in the search box, and place quotation marks around those terms to help narrow the results down. Once you get the results, you can limit them by using the items under “filter by” on the left hand side of the screen. You can search for items only online on the Catalog by clicking the button “Available to Access Online” under the “filter by” section. You can find materials related to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library by going under “Location of Archival Materials” in the “filter by” section and looking for records related to the "William J. Clinton Library”. You can also use the advanced search tool located here: https://catalog.archives.gov/advanced-search. The advanced search also allows you to search by specific location, such as the William J. Clinton Library, under the section entitled “Location of Archival Materials”. For more information about searching the National Archives Catalog, please see the following: https://www.archives.gov/research/catalog/help/using and https://www.archives.gov/research/catalog/help/search-tips.
That being said, what we have open and available for research is listed in our finding aids, which can be found on our Digital Library here: https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/items/browse?collection=82&sort_field=Dublin+Core%2CIdentifier&sort_dir=a. The listing is updated as we add records. We also have some of our collections digitized in their entirety (except for bound publications) and online at our Digital Library at the following location: https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/collection-tree. Some of our open collections are digitized and online only on the National Archives Catalog (NAC), which is located here: https://catalog.archives.gov/. You can also see the documents and other items that we have on the NAC by going to the following page in the catalog: https://www.archives.gov/findingaid/presidential-library-explorer/list/wjc.
Other places on our Digital Library website that might provide information related to records that we have on economic issues is our "Economic Inclusion" Digital Library Exhibit and our Topical Research Guide on “Economic Growth”.
FOIA Requests:
If you are unable to find the information you are looking for in our open records, then the information you seek, if it exists in our files, may not yet have been processed for release to researchers. In order to facilitate a search for the information you would need to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. FOIA requests need to be in writing and can be sent as an email to clinton.library@nara.gov. It must state that it is a FOIA request, and needs to be specific (names, dates, subject matters, and/or places if possible). Finally, you must provide all of your contact information (name, phone number, mailing address, and email address). More information about the FOIA is available at this URL: https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/research/freedom-information-act-requests.
Please note that if you have requests for multiple topics, please submit each topic separately. You can either send one email with multiple attachments or send multiple emails with the separate requests in the body. The Clinton Presidential Library processes FOIA requests on the same legal principles as other agencies, first in first out, meaning that the first requests received are the first requests processed. We currently have an extremely large FOIA processing backlog, but we will be happy to work with you on filing a FOIA request. We just want you to be aware that it might be a while before your FOIA request is processed unless your topic has been previously requested.
I hope that this information helps with your research. If you have any further questions, would like to submit a FOIA request, would like to conduct research of our open non-digitized collections in our research room, or would like to order reproductions of our open non-digitized collections; then please feel free to contact the Clinton Presidential Library at clinton.library@nara.gov.