Naval Districts

I received an Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) recently, and amongst the documents was an envelope which included a map of the United States divided into eleven naval districts. Yet there is no 2nd Naval District nor a 10th Naval District. Why would this be?


    Thank you for posting your question on History Hub!

    We recommend visiting our US Naval Districts and Regional Records webpage to learn about the various establishment and disestablishment dates for the different U.S. Naval Districts. For the Navy Rating BMG1, that is an abbreviation for Boatswain's Mate G (Shipboard) Petty Officer 1st Class. Other common letters include K for (Canvasman) and R for (Rigger). The abbreviation USFR stands for United States Fleet Reserve. The Fleet Reserve falls within the United States Naval Reserve (USNR), with the USFR traditionally referring to various aviation components within the USNR. 


    We hope this assists you with your research! 


    Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR)

    RR2RR 24-41706-JAH


    Thank you for posting your question on History Hub!

    We recommend visiting our US Naval Districts and Regional Records webpage to learn about the various establishment and disestablishment dates for the different U.S. Naval Districts. For the Navy Rating BMG1, that is an abbreviation for Boatswain's Mate G (Shipboard) Petty Officer 1st Class. Other common letters include K for (Canvasman) and R for (Rigger). The abbreviation USFR stands for United States Fleet Reserve. The Fleet Reserve falls within the United States Naval Reserve (USNR), with the USFR traditionally referring to various aviation components within the USNR. 


    We hope this assists you with your research! 


    Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR)

    RR2RR 24-41706-JAH

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