Father, Joseph Edward Weston, served in US Navy in Ww2. Would like to know what ship he served on and build a model kit for the grandchildren

Father, Joseph Edward Weston, served in US Navy in Ww2. Would like to know what ship he served on and build a model kit for the grandchildren

From Ga, served in Hawaii.

  • Thanks for responding.  He was born December 1924.

  • Oh, haha no worries about the brain confusion in the least, I myself have just started to approah mid age I guess you would call it, and I have my "fuzzy" moments too...so I understand fully! I contacted one of the depts over at Oahu's station, sounded like a very young man, and almost sounded green in regards to his time in, and know how of what I was trying to ask... we all have been "new" somewhere before, s I understood, and when he said he wasn't sure if they had a historian there or otherwise, I let it go, and thanked for the help nonetheless.

    If possible, I'm going to see about getting a hold of one further area/dept in regards to your father, the Navy especially, is very guarded (and understandably so) with people in general asking for information, sometimes even from the past, as they do not the "motive(s)" of the caller asking for the assistance. t's unfortunate that it is so, that there are as many shady fools out there in this world now, that people like you and  I are kind of lumped in with the others, when our intentions are nothing less than noble. Even the young man I spoke with was very guarded, even with his answers, etc. Same with the moment I spoke with a US Air Force base when I was trying to ask if they had any information on veterans of the AF after their discharge in their records that would be able to open to the public. Had let the airman know I had acquired a WWII/Korean grouping of a man who had been in combat in WWII, and Korea. Gave him the birthdate, name,  the aviator's AF number (his wallet humbly enough came along with the grouping alongside his leather jacket, medals, and documents) and date of his entering service. He was able to confirm from the aviator's Serv ID that all the info was legit, but that they did not hold any information like I thought they would say, after the Airman had left the military. Was very "one word/few word answers" when I was going over everything with him. Very polite, very business and direct. As it should be though.

    I did find a tiny newspaper article mentioning your father, and about how he was working at PH in an office or so, and then returned to Albany to flat out enlist. Would you like me to add that small clipping here for you..?

    - Dea

  • That would be great if you can send it to me. My sister had some info at one point, being an army family, (retired) having moved so many times in the state's and Europe she hasn't been able to track down anything and feared it's been lost in one of their many moves. We found an old photo of him and uncle at Pearl Harbor but no time and date wrote on it. Thanks again, Keith

  •     Here it is Keith..! Will look to see if I can find anything else alongside...don't think there was, at least with the papers on the site I am part of, but shall loo again, just to make sure.

  • Sorry, just wanted to ask if you know what his rank might have been..Seaman 1st or 2nd class.... S2 that is..a Yeoman...etc?

  • I'm really not sure but will see what I can find out. Is there a machinist 1st class? Don't know why, but it rings a bell.

  • Hello river...!

    I found a couple musters with the name minus the "E", only thing is is that the only ranking they show is of a S1 or S2.....didn't think that there would be a few Westons out there, but there were more than I had assumed ...

  • Good morning Dea, I really had no idea in regards to rank. I wouldn't have thought so many Westons either. I know he had a brother in the Navy. Jesse Earl Weston, I believe he was mostly in the Atlantic,  but was in the pacific for a short time while my father was there. He had 2 older brothers, different last name. They're both gone. One had children who have both passed. The other I've never met but he had children who I know nothing about. Trying to track them down to seei f they have any family history. I'm not having any luck with the family knowing anything either. I've talked with my sister and all the grandkids and they are also in the dark. I will certainly keep digging. I can not express how grateful I am for your help. I realize and appreciate all your time and research you have done.


  • Hello Dea, 

    I found some info off Ancestry.com from the Dept of Veterans Affairs  BIRLS death file 1850-2010. Still digging.

    He's listed as :

    Joseph E Weston

    SSN 253240425

    Enlistment date: 21 December 1942 (ironically he died 21 December 1990)

    Discharge date: 23 March  1946

    I'm also going to fill out the form to access his military files and see what I can find there.


  • G' mornin' Dea. You are awesome.  This all just gets more interesting. My sister was able to dig up his discharge papers. Seems he was an aviation machinist.  Not sure, but, he may not have been on board a ship, or  but at various Naval Air Staions. ???  Maybe you better to decipher. As always, thanks so much,  Keith


  • NICE..!!  Way to go sister..!

    Keith, the acronyms are as follows.

    (NRS) Naval Receiving Station, Macon Georgia;

    (NTS) Naval Training Station, San Diego Cal;

    (NATTC) Naval Air Technical Training Command, Norman Oklahoma;

    (NAS) Naval Air Station, Atlanta Georgia;

    (ABATU) Advanced Base Aviation Training Unit, Norfolk Virginia;

    (HEDRON FAW 8) Headquarter's Squadron/Fleet Air Wing 8
    (FAW-8: Redesignated at NAS Alameda, Calif., on 1 November 1942,
    3 July 1946: Disestablished at NAS Alameda.)

    (RB TADCEN SHOEMAKER) CALIFORNIA-Training and Distribution Center, Shoemaker Calif

    (NAS BARBER'S POINT) Naval Air Station, Hawaii (Kapolei)

    Am adding a link for you Keith that explains the history of the FAW


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