Need proof that USS Inchon was within 12 NM of Vietnam - Deck logs


I am trying to help my father get proof that his ship the USS Inchon was off the coast of Haiphong Harbor 1972 -1973, but the US Navy has no records that the Inchon was there. I have photos, but I need deck logs or something to help my dads Comp Case with the VA.

  • Ms Johnston

    We have finished the dead reckoning plot on the USS Inchon LPH12 based on the available deck log for December 1972.  On two occasions, the plot shows Inchon came extremely close to AO exposure boundary, first within about 400 yds at 3 am on 29 December and again about 0.9 nautical miles on 31 December at 1920 hrs .  (We've attached screen shots of both events.)

    In summary, even though very close, our plots by themselves are not going to be useful as evidence for exposure.  There are other options you can explore but they are outside the scope of History Hub.  If you would like to discuss them I'd suggest we proceed by email.  Under HH rules, I can only provide my email address if we are "following" each other on History Hub.  The procedure for that is found at the below History Hub link, in the lower half of our 27 January post.   I am already "following" you.


    In any case I'm sorry we were unsuccessful but wish you the best of luck pursuing the claim.


    Brad Davidson

    (Yellow line is the DR plot.  Red line is the boundary of the AO exposure area.)

  • Hi,

    I was wondering if there was a way to prove the fact that agent orange helicopters were on the Inchon and used to go back and forth.

    Would that not have caused exposure?

    Not only directly but by wind, spray down, or by repurposing of the below saltwater to freshwater for drinking and powering the ships ?

  • Stephanie,

    I’m sorry to say that Inchon’s embarked helicopters were not used for AO spray missions—in fact no Navy/Marine Corps aircraft ever did during the Vietnam War.  They were never equipped to do so, and AO was never carried aboard any of the Navy aviation ships.  The helicopters on board Inchon for Operation End Sweep were used for clearing mines in Haiphong harbor—either looking for the mines or sweeping for the mines.

    I wish I could deliver better news.

    A. J.

  • We did not have agent orange CH-53's in HMH 463. I was a pilot during Operation endsweep. We were anchored in Haiphon Harbor during mine sweeping.

    Capt Patrick King USMC

  • The Marine Corps and Navy did not deploy Agent Orange. This was a mission done by the Air Force

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