Looking for records of Air Warning Squadron 1 on Saipan

I have been researching my father Remy Perot's time in the military during WW2. He was in the Marines at Battle of Saipan. My research indicates he was with Air Warning Squadron 1. I have found a unit history of Air Warning Squadron 1(AWS-1). I have also found a report about Air Warning Squadron 1 being bombed on the island of Engebi. I have not been able to find anything about  Air Warning Squadron 1 movements during the Battle of Saipan. I am looking for information about  Air Warning Squadron 1 movements during the Battle of Saipan. Like a lot of veterans, my Dad would hardly ever talk about the war. One thing he did tell me was that while under attack on an airfield he boarded a transport plane and flew to another airfield on the same island and continued fighting. There are two airfields on Saipan.

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