I want to find details of person buried in Veterans Cemetery in Long Island. His name is Patrick Joseph Cullen, born 14/03/1906 died Jan5 , 1967
I want to find details of person buried in Veterans Cemetery in Long Island. His name is Patrick Joseph Cullen, born 14/03/1906 died Jan5 , 1967
There is no "Veterans Cemetery" on Long Island, NY. Patrick Cullen is buried in the Long Island National Cemetery, SECTION 2Q SITE 2983. He was a Sargent in the U.S. Army during World War II. Is he buried with a spouse or child? You should be able to tell from your family genealogy if he was the brother of your father (your uncle). Fold3 has draft registration card for him(?) born in Janesburg, Ireland and living in Sewickley, PA in July 13, 1942. It lists a friend living in Seacliff, NY. Hope this helps.
I cannot tell from family genealogy if person buried in Long Island cemetery Veterans site is my uncle as he did not keep in touch with any of his family They did not have address for him in USA. His Mother ( my grandmother) tried to find him many years ago via Salvation Army. I am trying to find death record for person buried in Long Island cemetery. I have only recently found the draft card and address in Pennsylvania. I have been in touch with Nara but his military records destroyed in fire. Thank you.
I cannot tell from family genealogy if person buried in Long Island cemetery Veterans site is my uncle as he did not keep in touch with any of his family They did not have address for him in USA. His Mother ( my grandmother) tried to find him many years ago via Salvation Army. I am trying to find death record for person buried in Long Island cemetery. I have only recently found the draft card and address in Pennsylvania. I have been in touch with Nara but his military records destroyed in fire. Thank you.
Although you can never be 100% sure in genealogy, you can build a strong circumstantial case--if the birthday matches, and you have a draft card and an enlistment record with the same birthday, then odds are that they are the same individual. If you could get a copy of the internment record, which might give a little more information, that might lock it in even more, but I think you have a very strong circumstantial case.
Another thought: His draft registration card lists a contact as a “friend”, Dr. Michael Dunne, Seacliff, NY. Check census records for Dr. Dunne – they may have lived together or nearby. Seacliff is in the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, on Long Island, in New York. The town of Oyster Bay may have a death certificate. It’s a long shot but you might find ancestors of Dr. Dunne who knew of Patrick.