I'm researching 31 men who were drafted into the militia Aug-Sept 1814 in Rockingham County, VA, then transferred out to US units deployed around the Chesapeake Bay, predominantly into Alexander Campbells' Riflemen attached to the 2 Corps d'Elite.
These men are listed on the pay roll of Capt. William Harrison's Co. [1] and appear on the muster roll for this company in Wayland's History of Rockingham County [2]. William Harrison's Company was attached to the 1st Virginia Regiment commanded by Lt. Col. William Trueheart.
Pension files and service record index cards do not consistently confirm enlistment in William Harrison's Company. Three of the 7 pension files for members of this group show enlistment (soldier/widow affidavit and auditor confirmation) in Adam Harnberger's or Abraham Hamilton's Companies attached to Lt. Col. Daniel Coleman's 6th Virginia Regiment. For my own ancestor, Reuben King, the auditors of the widow's pension application [3] find him on the pay roll of Adam Harnsberger's Co. 30 Aug - 9 Sep 1814 (10 d) before transferring (pension application rejected for lack of documented service), whereas Virginia militia pay rolls show him in William Harrison's Co. [2] for 18 days. The Virginia Militia [1] lack payrolls for Harnsberger's and Hamilton's Cos, even though the Ainsworth Lists show these exist.
There is something funny going on WRT to Adam Harnsberger's and Abraham Hamilton's Companies. The Ainsworth lists show pay rolls (Harnsberger 30 Aug - 8 Dec 1814 149 names; Hamilton 29 Aug - 30 Nov 1814 98 name). Fold3.com includes only 4 pensions listing Harnsberger's Co. (two of these are part of my group of 31 who transferred out) and 5 pensions listing Hamilton's Co.; none of these men are found of rolls published in the Virginia Militia [1].
These inconsistencies lead me to expect that ordering the Consolidated Service Records will not help.
I'd appreciate any illumination on this problem.
1. "Virginia militia in the War of 1812." Vol. 1 Pay rolls, p. 52. Capt. Wm. Harrison's pay roll 29 Aug - 30 Dec 1814. https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/48441/images/VAMilitiaWar1812I-004512-52
2. Wayland, John Walter. A History of Rockingham County, Virginia. Ruebush-Elkins Company, 1912. https://archive.org/details/historyofrocki00wayl/page/452
3. Widow's Pension Application Elizabeth King, widow of Reuben King https://www.fold3.com/file/761.3279155194804220950
4. Ainsworth Lists for the 6th Virginia Regiment https://www.fold3.com/image/713181469 including Capt. Harnsberger (https://www.fold3.com/image/713181479) and Capt Hamilton's Companies (https://www.fold3.com/image/713181476).