need to find Medical Records

Medical Records for Robert Brownfield Fletcher Jr. Id number B286924 served on board USS Jhon W. Thomason DD760 from 7-10-1969 to 12-04-1970.

Thanks Robert B. Fletcher Jr. 

  • Just a quick response.  I hope I am understanding your question correctly.  I had great difficulty getting the National Archives to reply to my requests for my Dad's WW II Coast Guard records.   Not sure this would help but, I had to finally write to the Admiral to get the Archives to reply to me.  About a year and a half of the NARA sending me out to all kinds of wrong places...did it feel intentional?  It sure did.  Thus, the Admiral.  But in truth, not sure I ever received my Dad's complete records either.  But I should think that the Admiral would be able to get that issue moving.   Just a thought...

  • Just a quick response.  I hope I am understanding your question correctly.  I had great difficulty getting the National Archives to reply to my requests for my Dad's WW II Coast Guard records.   Not sure this would help but, I had to finally write to the Admiral to get the Archives to reply to me.  About a year and a half of the NARA sending me out to all kinds of wrong places...did it feel intentional?  It sure did.  Thus, the Admiral.  But in truth, not sure I ever received my Dad's complete records either.  But I should think that the Admiral would be able to get that issue moving.   Just a thought...

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