What is the meaning of this Navy insignia?

My reason for asking:  I am trying to build a shadow box for my dad with his decorations and his accurate Navy rate badges.

My father was a Fire Controlman 2c (T) during WW2.  This was the highest rating he achieved.  I have this information from his actual Navy personnel file I obtained from the St. Louis archives.

We have in the family files some other rate badges that I don't know how they fit into his story.  I have attached some photos of the items I'm trying to understand.

1.     I've been told that the 3 chevrons with the arc across the top means a Chief Petty Officer.  I've also been told that the square-knot rate might have been a rate he was 'awarded' during training at Great Lakes Naval Station in Illinois.  I've been told that these rates didn't really mean anything once he left training and was assigned to his ship (USS Arctic).

2.     Anchor with 2 stars, with USN across the front - is this an actual Navy badge/insignia?  What does it mean, and when would it have been awarded to him?

3.     This is an example of a Fire Controlman rate; this is the rate I KNOW he achieved.  Can you confirm that this is his 1st class rate; his second class rate would have added a second red chevron.

Can anybody shed any light on the 'rope' rate badge, and the anchor pin?

Thank you very much.
