how can I get my father's sss number during his service with the Philippine Scout US army

My father Milandro Reyes serve the Philippine Scout US army during World War 2, how can I obtain his SSS number in order for us to claim benefits a 

  • My father Milandro Reyes serve the Philippine Scout US army during World War 2, how can I obtain his SSS number in order for us to claim benefits 

    MName Milandro Reyes

    Rank Corporal

    Date of Enlistment  10 July 1946

    ASN PS 10333653

    Date  of Discharge 8 March 1949

    Honorable Discharge by the convenience of the government AR 615 365

  • Hello  

    Thank you for posting your question on History Hub!

    To get started with your research, we would recommend that you request his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). OMPFs for Army enlisted personnel who were separated from the service after November 1, 1912 (July 1, 1917 for officers) are serviced by NARA's National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis. In many cases where personnel records were destroyed in the 1973 fire, proof of service can be provided from other records such as morning reports, payrolls, and military orders.

    Veterans and next of kin of deceased veterans may use eVetRecs to request records. See eVetRecs Help for instructions. Please note that next of kin of a deceased veteran must provide proof of death of the veteran such as a copy of death certificate, letter from funeral home, or published obituary. For more information see Request Military Service Records.

    You may also complete a GSA Standard Form 180 and mail it to NARA's National Personnel Records Center, (Military Personnel Records), 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138-1002.  If there is any information requested by the form that you do not know, you may omit it or provide estimates (such as for dates), but the more information you provide, the easier it will be to locate the correct file. For more information see Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF).

    We hope this helps!

  • To honor my father, Milandro Reyes, who served as a member of the Philippine Scout in the U.S. Army during World War II, I am seeking assistance in obtaining his Social Security System (SSS) number. This crucial information will allow us to claim the benefits he rightfully earned for his service. Any guidance or support in retrieving this vital document would be greatly appreciated