Rhodos Island 1943-1945 occupied by German Wehrmacht


I am looking for details related to the years 1943-1944 on the Italian Island Rhodos. The German General Ulrich Kleemann was the commander of the sturmdivsion 999 and in July 1944 all jewish people on Rhodos were deported besides 42 people, who had been saved by the Turkish Consul General Ülkümen. I am looking for any details related to this period on Rhodos,




    Thank you for posting your inquiry on History Hub!

    We would suggest that you review selected records located in the National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized (Record Group 242), including records located on Microfilm Publication T311 Records of German Field Commands: Army Groups; T314 Records of German Field Commands: Corps; T315 Records of German Field Commands: Divisions; T501 Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others; and others. These microfilmed records have been digitized and may be viewed using the Catalog.

    We have searched the Catalog for any records referencing "Rhodos" within Record Group 242. We located 1 series and 138 file units that may be of interest to you. Please note that almost all of these records have been digitized and may be viewed using the Catalog.

    We also searched the Catalog for any records relating to Kleemann within Record Group 242. We located 73 file units responsive to the search. Please note that all these records have been digitized and may be viewed using the Catalog.

    Further, among the Records of the Army Staff (Record Group 319) are the Investigatory Records Repository (IRR) files accessioned by the National Archives from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (USAINSCOM). The IRR files are military intelligence and Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) files maintained by USAINSCOM and its predecessor organizations. We searched the index of textual and digital IRR files for any records on Ulrich Kleemann. We located the following files:

    Kleemann, Ulrich

    File#: XE178432

    These files are still classified. To request a declassification review of the content of the files, please contact the Chief, Special Access and FOIA Staff (RD-F), Room 5500, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. The email address is: specialaccess_foia@nara.gov . Please be sure to indicate that you are requesting the declassification of digital IRR files.

    Further, we would suggest looking into records located on Microfilm Publication T120 Records of the German Foreign Office Received by the Department of State in Record Group 242. These microfilmed records have not been digitized. They may be viewed in the Microfilm Reading Room at the National Archives at College Park, MD.

    In addition, it may be worth looking into other various records of the German Foreign Ministry (Record Group 242). Some of these microfilmed records have been digitized and may be viewed via the National Archives Catalog by entering the microfilm publication number (e.g. T264) into the search engine. The microfilm publications that have not been digitized may be viewed in the Microfilm Reading Room.

    We invite you to continue the conversation with community members on History Hub, but should you have follow up questions for the staff at Archives II, please email us at archives2reference@nara.govso that we can assist you further. 

    We hope this assists you with your research! 


    Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR)

    [RR2RR 24-35128-SN]