Greetings, I am researching OSS operational activity inside Japan during World War II. Where can I find documents containing information on Japanese HUMINT sources and also finished intelligence?
Many thanks in advance!
Greetings, I am researching OSS operational activity inside Japan during World War II. Where can I find documents containing information on Japanese HUMINT sources and also finished intelligence?
Many thanks in advance!
Thank you for posting your question on History Hub!
The Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR) has custody of Records of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (Record Group 226). There are a variety of finding aids and indexes to assist with research in Record Group 226 including those arranged by personal name, topic, code name, branch, and directors office files. If you are able to identify specific names or code names for individuals that were involved with OSS operational activity inside Japan this may be the most efficient way to begin your research. For more information about OSS indexes please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RR2R) at Please provide as much detail as possible regarding your research in your request.
Good evening! Thank you for your reply. I just emailed the archives2 address with specific requirements.
Thank you again!
Good evening! Thank you for your reply. I just emailed the archives2 address with specific requirements.
Thank you again!