How can I find WWII info on what Company and Division my grandfather was in?

How can I find WWII info on what Company? (A-B-C) or Division (infantry?) my grandfather was in?

On Musters of 4-30-1939,  it's Company K, 29th Infantry. But 4 months later on Muster dated 8-31-1939, it says Co. B, 38th Infantry.

Most confusing is the Army - Army Air Corp division & "searches" and he actually retired from the military at Vance Air Force Base, so he's shown as the Air Force also.

So many moving variables.

I want to see if I can possibly pinpoint him overseas - Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes & Central Europe (which I know from his medals he received) but I'm confused as to what search "words" to use to drill down to facts.

His name was Glenn Hardgrave, retired Master Sergeant and his Army serial No. was 06260307. 

  • It is worth nothing that this is most likely Company K, 29th Infantry Regiment and Company B, 38th Infantry Regiment.  The regiment would be an intermediary level of organization between the company and the division.  A given infantry division would have several infantry regiments, each of which would have its own Company A, Company B, etc.  

    Histories of these regiments can be found here: 

    However, to expand on what Lisa said, he likely served in multiple units during the course of his military career, especially given that he retired as a master sergeant.  

    If you have a chance to visit the National Archives at St. Louis or hire a researcher in that area, they have unit rosters through 1943 and morning reports for the entire war that might be helpful in tracking his subsequent career.  Unfortunately these aren't online yet. 

    You might also want to email St. Louis directly and explain what you got on the NPRC request 4 years ago, and ask if it might be possible for a more complete response to be given now that an additional 4 years have passed since his separation from service.  Records become archival and therefore more open to the public 62 years after separation from service, to include any reserve time.

  • So I have a glorious update since my first entry. I have found "hints" in letters then explicit (some very disturbing) information in letters dated AFTER May 15th 1945. This quest has occupied my thoughts and life for a solid 6 weeks. I'm getting so close. I lost any connection of him in 1943. I was told he went to Iceland and now made "that" connection. I was confused about his accounts of Cherbourg (not Normandy) but now know he then joined Patton's 3rd Army after battle in Liege (which he later says was the worse place ever), St. Lo, mentioned "hedgerows & pillboxes" which, no clue until I drilled down weeks later, left Patton's 3rd Army and joined the 4267th Quartermaster Truck Company which there is absolutely NO records published "yet". I did find a report written by Brig. Gen McNamara outlining 1st Army through Europe. After leaving the 3rd Army, he joined the 9th Army- Quartermaster Truck Company and references "Red Ball Express" often. He even sends newspaper clips. I'm not certain of the (9th Army) but he says that's where he went after 3rd. But no doubt, he was mailing home 4267 Quartermaster Truck Co, APO 350 for almost a year. His letters his December 1944 are normal and they reference "hope we eat as good on Christmas as Thanksgiving", next letter dated the 16th December 1944, we are leaving so I can't write every day AND was transferred "yesterday" to 1st Army. So history is clear. He says he has "lots of points" since he received 4 stars from "Fortification of Europe & Germany" and I cannot figure that out. He's afraid to come home later because they said he'd go to Pacific after.

    So I find out, the army plays a "shell game" with soldiers and points and tries to "reassign" him. He tells my grandma his "new APO" but next letter says they cancelled his transfer.

    I forgot to mention that he writes my grandma after May 15th, that if she saw any newspaper of the "crossing of the Rhine", then she'd see his truck crossing the temp bridge, Couldn’t see him but that was his truck,  I downloaded that photo

    So until August 1945, he is hauling German prisoners back to Berlin. He actually (typed for only the 2nd time) a V-Mail dated 4-17-45 what he witnessed the day before. What he witnessed I now know was the beginning of the nightmares he had written many times about and my grandma telling me when he got home she was afraid of him hurting her because of bad dreams. They were a 1/2 day behind the Gardelegen Massacre. The V-mail affected me greatly. He had already passed the Malmedy event so this is the second. 

    After the war was over, they had his company transporting prisoner’s non-stop. He never sleeps, food isn't provided, Russians are stealing everything and his convoy has been held up 2 times, both 5-7 hours. Russians would take the female prisoners and rape them all, in plain sight he said. If they resisted, they killed them. He drove up until August 5, 1945. It was only then that they inspected his trucks and told them they were going home.

    To end my long and rambling email, the things I am trying to piece together now is anything about 4267 Quartermaster Truck Company and their "activities" reports. To my knowledge and all of my never-ending searches, I have hit a dead end. It shows the Archives "have" files but not available yet. I also contacted the Quartermaster Museum and they have no info either.

    You all have been a Godsend from day one and those "hints" have helped fill in a lot. He reinlisted in the Air Force and I am in touch with Vance AFB Historian and making a trip on September 25th to visit on base about his "after Army" carreer with was full of adventure itself 

    Blessings to all! I'm just a proud grandaughter to an amazing grandpa, war hero and Master Sergeant, Glenn Morse Hardgrave!

    Angela Hardgrave Hudson

    PS: Now I have an outline, I have a friend who is a published author (history mostly) whi is helping me write a report to present to the WWII museum for the archives at my appointment with "their" historian in November! :-)

  • The 4267 Quartermaster Truck Company would be a Corps level asset. There will likely be little published information. They should still have Morning Reports, those are available from the National Archives St. Louis MO location. You will need to go and make copies yourself or pay a researcher to do it for you. Someone with the NA will probably reply with more information. Unit Journals, if they had one would be at the College Park Maryland, National Archives location, same as above you will need to visit to obtain copies.

    Good luck with your search, it seems like you have done a great job already.

    Lisa Sharik

  • Your post concerning the 4267th Quartermaster Truck Company popped up given I too am interested in learning more about that outfit.  Are you familiar with a booklet dated August 1945 entitled, "Home-Addresses of the Officers and Enlisted Men of 4267th Quartermaster Truck Company Heavy"?  If not, I can email a scanned copy of the 16 pages which provides the names, rank, town, and state of the men who served in the company at that time.  It was published in Germany, so everything is tied to the date stated.  I also have other scanned materials that appear related to the truck company (e.g., photographs of both men and trucks) that I'd be willing to share if there is any interest.  And if you are really digging, I donated the originals plus other paraphernalia my dad had collected during his WWII service to the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene, Kansas, several years ago. I'm sure you can get more information there.    

    FYI, my dad, Virgil G. Cyr, was part of the 58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion in Africa, Sicily, and Normandy.  He was wounded outside St. Lo after which he spent several months in England in recovery.  He was released in November 1944 and appears to have been assigned to the 4267th at that point.  That unit appears to have been active in the Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central Europe given the battle credits and points he received. 

  • Your post concerning the 4267th Quartermaster Truck Company popped up given I too am interested in learning more about that outfit.  Are you familiar with a booklet dated August 1945 entitled, "Home-Addresses of the Officers and Enlisted Men of 4267th Quartermaster Truck Company Heavy"?  If not, I can email a scanned copy of the 16 pages which provides the names, rank, town, and state of the men who served in the company at that time.  It was published in Germany, so everything is tied to the date stated.  I also have other scanned materials that appear related to the truck company (e.g., photographs of both men and trucks) that I'd be willing to share if there is any interest.  And if you are really digging, I donated the originals plus other paraphernalia my dad had collected during his WWII service to the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene, Kansas, several years ago. I'm sure you can get more information there.    

    FYI, my dad, Virgil G. Cyr, was part of the 58th Armored Field Artillery Battalion in Africa, Sicily, and Normandy.  He was wounded outside St. Lo after which he spent several months in England in recovery.  He was released in November 1944 and appears to have been assigned to the 4267th at that point.  That unit appears to have been active in the Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central Europe given the battle credits and points he received. 

  • First of all....I have pictures of your dad!

    I would be more than happy to share EVERYTHING I have found out in the last 3 months! I just spent last  Friday & Saturday at the WWII Museum in New Orleans but the research center is only open Tues-Thursday. I am trying to get an appointment for Dec 6th or 7th. I am waiting on a response on the appointment. I have praying for months to find ANYONE I could speak to for more information.

    I will say information was very hard to find info UNTIL...I fell into a rabbit hole and found they were assigned to ADSEC-HQ and were called QM Service Co = QM SvCo HQ. After my grandfather drove for Red Ball Express, they (4267th) attached to ADSEC and actually drove then for XYZ TC (truck co). They also were tied to many other "assignments". Monument Men assignments, transporting concentration camp prisoners and at the end, they hauled US's Prisoneres of War back to their own countries.

    I have an endless amout of information I could give you to prove all of this. Apparently, your dad and my grandfather were friends. My grandpa was in charge of the 4276th. I am so excited! I will go pull the pictures back out and see if I can find them. Virgil Cyr is a name I've had in my notebook for a while. There were certain names on the back of pictures that are repeated often. 

    If you're interested, let me know and I will figure out a way we can get emails traded without posting it on here.

    Thanks for your info above. I just printed it and I will look it up when I get home. :-) I'm so happy you reached out! Thank you! I knew God wanted me to tell their story!


  • I populated my profile with my email address. 

  • I'm interested, but couldn't find your email address in your profile.  Just let me know how you would like to make contact.

  • I was told by the moderators that it wasn't allowed to post personal info/emails. I "think" I facebook messaged you. LOL. I hope it's you. I was trying to see if you were on FB or Linkedin. Check your messenger, then let me know if it's you or not. I chose to search Kansas because of the repository you sent your dad's WWII items. 

    I have no idea how to trade info any other way. I really want to see what you have, especially pertaining to the list of guys and addresses. I have a lot of interesting things I think you'll like to see as well, especially pictures. I also transcribed over 150 letters my grandpa wrote in 1944 & 1945. While 1944 only had "hints" of where he was due to censored mail, although his letters dated post May 15th, get very detailed and specific. Places they stayed, the terrible things they saw and lived through and I've cross-referenced his letters with actual activities those dates and they are spot on. 

    If I chose the wrong John Cyr in Kansas, attended KSU - geology, some man is going to think I'm a crazy person. LOL. Let me know soon, I'm very curious to see what you have.
