I am looking for info on Manzana Base, New Mexico.
I am looking for info on Manzana Base, New Mexico.
Dear History Hub,
In addition to my original request regarding looking for information on Manzano AFB in New Mexico, I am seeking any information as to someone who might have been in the 1094 Support Sq. stationed at Manzano AFB New Mexico during the years of 1965-1967.
Thank you,
Marilyn Kirkley
I've got some info on the Manzano Base - wrote a book about Kirtland Air Force Base back in 2016, but I have no idea how to get you my contact info. I've done a book on Holloman Air Force Base and a few others in New Mexico, so I'm well versed in the geographic area. If you find the book, find my name, you can find my website. I have reports from Van Citter's research on the Base, and a few research avenues you can use to get the information you're looking for. I usually use the Freedom of Information Act. Just send me a message through my website.
Joe P.
Hello Louis,
Thank you so much for the information and references you included in your response. I have started reading the DoD directives; and, checking the websites you provided.
In my research of Manzano Base (and conversations with several Veterans), and the Era (Viet Nam) in which my late husband served, I have developed a newfound respect for American Veterans (and military). In the line of duty, they face the threat and disasters of combat. But, I had never completely known the extent of the risk of severe illness they face, due to exposures to dangerous materials, radiation, and environmental and occupational hazards. My research has been extremely interesting; and, I've been so grateful for the responses I've received through History Hub.
Again, thank you; and, please accept my deep appreciation for your help.
Marilyn Kirkley
Hello Marilyn Kirkley
Let me know, when your question has been answered for are thousands of article about Manzano Base, AEC/DOD, DASA/AFSWP
These may be of interests
Also, here is DoD directives "Need to Know"
Hope this information helps with your understanding of the top secret military branch of the armed service AFSWP a combat organization
The information you are seeking is with the VA
radiation compensation act
I would recommend that you file with the VA
Inform them that you late husband's was in the Air Force station at Manzano Base, which is not an Air Force Base, attached a copy of the letter from the secretary of defense dated 1969, which contains all the explanation needed.
Let me know if you need any additional information
Hello Louis
Thank you for this information; and, thank you for your advice. I had been wondering if other Manzano Base Veterans had been diagnosed with cancer. If a service connected condition doesn't qualify as a VA presumptive disease, it seems the burden of proof falls on the Veteran to prove their cancer was connected to a military service exposure to radiation.
From what I understand not all radiation exposed Veterans had been required to wear a dosimetry device; not even Nuclear Weapons Handlers. It seems a radiation exposed Veteran wasn't required to wear a dosimetry badge if was determined the Veterans exposure would not exceed the allowed annual occupational radiation dose limit. I haven't been able to find any 1960s data to justify how that determination would have been made.
I agree with sending the VA the document you recommended. It will be more difficult for some Veterans, or their families, to file a successful claim for a radiation exposed disease, without a documentation of a service dosimetry history. But, it doesn't mean they shouldn't send the VA as much relevant information and documentation as they can possibly locate. It won't hurt to try.
You have gone out of your way to provide me with information and references. I am so grateful to you; and, for all the History Hub responses to my Manzano Base post inquiry. I'm not sure right now what other information I will be searching for; but, I appreciate that you included I could let you know if I need additional information.
My best, Marilyn Kirkley
Hello Marilyn Kirkley
The pleasure is all mine
Manzano Base is a AEC/DoD, DASA instillation with military personnel from all major Service Branch, Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines. All assigned to DASA Headquarter (HQ) or Headquarter Field Command (HQFC) Armed Forces Special Weapon Program (AFSWP) a Top Secret military combat branch of the armed services, which operates on a “Need to Know”. All military personnel are assigned to HQ with duty station elsewhere, which means he is in the Top Secret AFSWP branch of the service, working on AEC and DASA contracts per DoD requirements.
You may need to check your husband's full military history including his time with AFSWP. Manzano Base which is absolutely described in full details by the letter from the secretary of defense dated 1969, explaining it’s formation, authority and chain of command
I hope this helps let me know if you need additional information
Hello Louis,
Again, thank you! Appreciate this additional information.
My Best, Marilyn Kirkley
Hello Marilyn Kirkley
You may find these DASA AFSWP article interesting
Tom Mitchell. I just found your post and was wondering why it was as late as 1971 that you acquired a card reader while at Sandia. I was stationed there 1962 -1965 and we had mucho EAM equipment including card readers, sorters, collaters, and keypunch machines. In fact we had what was then the latest IBM digital storage media, RAMAC - Random Access Storage - and before my separation from the service a small IBM 360 computer with removable disk drives was in place. That being said, I know information about such things was compartmentalized so your section may not have known of this computer capacity.
I do not remember the trip to Manzano as being “all the way”. If memory serves it was just a few minutes Drive.