Seeking records of the 94th Signal Battalion

We would love more information on 94th Signal Battalion during WWII. My wife’s Grandfather was part of this unit. We do not have much information on his service other than a bring back pistol and the knowledge he crossed the Remagen bridge. His name was Ed Kegeris.

  • Dave,

    To be clear on my response earlier and the Remagen Bridge. In my previous response I note the Ludendorff Bridge. The Ludendorff Bridge is the bridge that was captured at Remagen. Yes, the 94th crossed that Bridge and is where they earned the Presidential Unit Citation AWARD.  Just a note: the bridge was under heavy German artillery but they couldn't blow it up. The bridge actually collapsed and killed many construction repair guys within the unit. The bridge was repaired and eventually crossed. As another FYI, the 94th Signal battalioin is the only signal unit to cross the Rhine River during WW2. There is also a great note in the book on page 277. It reads:

    "There is one great thing you men will be able to say after this war is all over and you are at home once again. And you may thank God for it. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you won't have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, "well , your granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana, "No Sir! You can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy rode with the great Third Army and s*h name Georgie Patton."

    I found this to be fantastic.

    Best, Joe R

  • I'd just like to add for those interested and not aware of the Book, The Bridge at Remagen by Ken Hechler. 1957.  It's been republished many times.  Hechler was an army historian who was there at the taking of the bridge. The 94th Signal Battalion is mentioned as one of the many units who participated.  The 94th was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation, not all units were.  From the 94th History it states that the 94th was the only Signal Battalion to receive the PUC in WWII.

  • I'd just like to add for those interested and not aware of the Book, The Bridge at Remagen by Ken Hechler. 1957.  It's been republished many times.  Hechler was an army historian who was there at the taking of the bridge. The 94th Signal Battalion is mentioned as one of the many units who participated.  The 94th was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation, not all units were.  From the 94th History it states that the 94th was the only Signal Battalion to receive the PUC in WWII.

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