Seeking Info about My Father's WWII D-Day Glider and Battle of the Bulge service

Hello. My Dad (Army service number 39 299 654) was assigned to the 101st Airborne. I'm creating a memory box of medals, insignia etc honoring his service. I know his official records were destroyed in the 1973 fire. I do have a copy of his discharge paperwork (attached),

i'm interested in obtaining the following info:

1. Where was he stationed in England as he prepared for D-Day glider insertion?

2. Where did his glider land?

3. After landing, what were the movements of his unit up to and including the Battle of the Bulge and also where did his unit move to after the Battle of the Bulge ended?

4. What honors/awards did he receive?

Thank You. 4212.PopsDischardPaperWWII.pdf