778 AAA AW BN (SP) from Activation to Victory PDF?

Hello everyone,

My grandfather served in WW2 in the 778th AAA AW BN (SP). He did not discuss the war while he was alive. I am very interested to learn more about about his unit beyond their involvement in Battle of the Bulge. I have been trying to get my hands on the unit history book, "778 AAA AW BN (SP) from Activation to Victory" with no luck. I am unable to find it for sale anywhere, and my local library has not been much help in getting one of the few copies in the US to me. Traveling to one of the libraries with it is not possible for me right now.

Would anyone be able to share a digitized copy of this book, or point me towards resources that I may be able to get it from? I am only interested in the full text, not summaries or outside analysis. Thank you all so much!