Hello! I am looking for information about BURTON J. TUTTLE. Serial Number 19094300. He joined the Army Air Corps on March 9th, 1942 in Washington State. He received both the Air Medal and DFC, but I can not find any information about him. I do not know what unit he was assigned to.
I believe his brother CLYDE B. TUTTLE (serial number 39303561, enlisted Sept. 12, 1941 in Washington State) may have also been awarded an Air Medal, but again I do not know anything about his service aside from his enlistment info.
I would also like to find the DFC card for ROY THOMAS NALLEY (sometimes misspelled Nally). 8th AF, 97th Bomb Group. His pilot was the first man in the 8th Air Force to be killed, and he and the bombardier flew the B-17 back to England. He was shot down 2 more times.
I apologize for the large request, but thank you for what you're doing! Many people are grateful for your efforts.