Seeking for Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE) and General Orders for the 57th Signal Repair Company during World War II.

I am seeking information about the TOEs used to activate and reorganize the 57th Signal Repair Company in February 1944 and General Orders for the activation and inactivation of this unit.

The following TOEs were used to activate and reorganize the 57th Signal: TOE 11-127, 1942, activation effective on 8 February 1944, and TOE 11-127 for reorganization effective on 4 November 1944. The unit was constituted under AG 322 on 19 January 1944, OB-I-GNGCT-M on 22 January 1944, to the US Army Forces, Central Pacific Area. The unit was activated in Hawaii, US Army Forces, Central Pacific Area under General Orders Number 39, effective 8 February 1944. General Order number 86 from the XXIV Corps, dated 29 May 1946, inactivates the unit effective 31 May 1946. Additionally, the War Department General Order number 12, 1946, recognizes the unit for participating in combat operations for the period of 26 May to 2 June 1945 in the Ryukyus and previously received The Meritorious Unit Commendation Plaque was awarded under General Order number 442, Central Pacific Base Command for the period of 9 February 1944 to 8 May 1944 and a Star for the MUC plaque was awarded under General Order number 51 Headquarters, Central Pacific Base Command to the unit for the period of 9 May 1944 to 9 November 1944. AG Form 016 (Historical Data) was used for this research.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

Javier R. Gonzalez Urdaneta, Sr.



    Thank you for posting your question on History Hub!

    We carefully searched our holdings but were unsuccessful in locating the requested records. We specifically reviewed Publications of the U.S. Government (Record Group 287) Entry UD 429 - TAGO Publications - TOE (Table Of Organization & Equipment) and while there are records matching TOE 11-127 they unfortunately do not match the specific dates in your request. We additionally reviewed Tables of Organization & Equipment in Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917- (Record Group 407) Entry NM-3 363-A Central Decimal Correspondence Files, 1940–1945 but again did not locate records matching the specific dates in your request. 

    The Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR) has custody of the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917- (Record Group 407) and the Records of U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter) (Record Group 338). Military unit files among these records consist mostly of historical reports, after action reports, unit journals, and general orders. While there are records of the 57th Signal Repair Company including histories that may be of interest to your research within World War II Operations Reports, 1940–1948 these records unfortunately do not include general orders as requested. Additionally within the series Unit Histories, 1943-1967 you may be interested in the file Headquarters, 57th Signal Repair Company: Historical Reports 1945For more information about these non-digitized records, please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RR2R) at

    We invite you to continue the conversation with community members on History Hub, but should you have follow up questions for the staff at Archives II, please email us at so that we can assist you further.

    We hope this assists you with your research!


    Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR)
    [RR2RR 24-33560-SZ]
  • Sir/Madam:

    I researched more in the NARA catalog about your answers to the abovementioned request. I found additional information that can assist in seeking the required information for my research. The catalog identifies  Record Group 494 1922-1947 as containing the following records: 1- records relating to TOE’s 1942-1945, documents relating to General Orders January 01, 1941, to December 31, 1944, from the US Army Forces, Pacific Areas. This record group also has documents from the Central Pacific Base Command 1935-1947, titled General Correspondence of the Signal Section, AG Hawaii to CPBC 1941-July 1,1944, and CPBC general correspondence.

    Additionally, as the unit was assigned to different commands, the following record groups may contain some records related to it:

    1. Record Group 407, General records, 1919-1978 (General Orders, Letter Orders, Movement Orders, and Radiograms 1942-1947, (NM-3-379).

             2- Record Group 494 ( Subgroups 494.2 and 494.4).

    1. Record Groups 338 and 407 may contain documents from the XXIV Corps relating to GO # 86 that inactivated the unit.

    Your Assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Thank You,

    Javier R. Gonzalez Urdaneta, Sr.