Seeking information on the 159th Engineer Combat Battalion that served in Europe and inparticular the Battle of the Budge.

Two of my uncles served in WW-II during the Battle of the Buldg.  One uncle was in radio contact with his brother PFC Neil Elmeier when the radio went silent due to Neil’s company being captured by the Germans.  Neil and fellow  POWs were executed by the Germans when they retreated east due to the approaching Allies.  Neil is buried at the American Cemetery at Luxembourg.  Neal is a Purple Heart recipient.  I have been trying to locate his Army service record informatiom.  However, the Army Historical Record Center in St Louis, MO indicates no record exists due to most likely being destroyed in a fire at that sight in the mid 1970.  Neil served in 159th Engineer Combat Battalion.  His service number 33689155.

I am see,ing any information available to reconstruct his Army service.


Louis Kobet

Commander, US Navy Retired

Parents Reply
  • Hi Kevin,

    Has your historian turned up anything of interest that you can share on the 159th?

    My grandfather served in the H/S company.

    I have an original copy of William Baltz's book and am looking for more information.

    I understand that the Broad Mountain 1989 reprint may have had additional roster information added?

    Thanks for anything that you can share.
