Seeking information on the 159th Engineer Combat Battalion that served in Europe and inparticular the Battle of the Budge.

Two of my uncles served in WW-II during the Battle of the Buldg.  One uncle was in radio contact with his brother PFC Neil Elmeier when the radio went silent due to Neil’s company being captured by the Germans.  Neil and fellow  POWs were executed by the Germans when they retreated east due to the approaching Allies.  Neil is buried at the American Cemetery at Luxembourg.  Neal is a Purple Heart recipient.  I have been trying to locate his Army service record informatiom.  However, the Army Historical Record Center in St Louis, MO indicates no record exists due to most likely being destroyed in a fire at that sight in the mid 1970.  Neil served in 159th Engineer Combat Battalion.  His service number 33689155.

I am see,ing any information available to reconstruct his Army service.


Louis Kobet

Commander, US Navy Retired

  • My father was a member of the 159th and was WIA on 21 December 1944 in Echternach. 

    The Broad Mountain Chapter of the 159th had copies made of the original book published August 1945 for their 1989 reunion. The chapter has since dissolved since all the their members have passed.

    I have a copy of the book I believe you are looking for. I would be more than happy to try to share it with you.

    if you could provide to me a direct email address, we can chat further. 

    kevin Hinkle, Lt Col, USAF (ret)

    [Moderation Note: 

    Personal information such as private email addresses cannot be shared publicly on History Hub due to Federal privacy regulations. Unfortunately the current platform does not provide other means for users to share contact information. We hope to add this feature in the future but do not have any definite plans at this time.]

  • Go to   In the search type in 

    The 159th Engineer Combat Battalion

    You will be able to look at the book and even download it in PDF format. I download books from here all the time for research. Hope this helps.

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