Seeking information on the 159th Engineer Combat Battalion that served in Europe and inparticular the Battle of the Budge.

Two of my uncles served in WW-II during the Battle of the Buldg.  One uncle was in radio contact with his brother PFC Neil Elmeier when the radio went silent due to Neil’s company being captured by the Germans.  Neil and fellow  POWs were executed by the Germans when they retreated east due to the approaching Allies.  Neil is buried at the American Cemetery at Luxembourg.  Neal is a Purple Heart recipient.  I have been trying to locate his Army service record informatiom.  However, the Army Historical Record Center in St Louis, MO indicates no record exists due to most likely being destroyed in a fire at that sight in the mid 1970.  Neil served in 159th Engineer Combat Battalion.  His service number 33689155.

I am see,ing any information available to reconstruct his Army service.


Louis Kobet

Commander, US Navy Retired

Parents Reply
  • LouK

    I just returned from Luxembourg and Belgium. I visited Neil's grave site and placed a flower there. I do have a photo of his cross along with a few other members of Company B- including the company commander.

    We visited Hill 313 and met with town officials in Echternach, Luxembourg. Also visited the historical marker placed in remembrance of the 159th Combat Engineers.

  • Kevin…….Thanks for keeping me in the loop. Glad that you got to the Luxembourg American Cemetery and back home safe.  I have photos of Neal’s grave site that m cousin took when she was there.  Thanks for visiting Neal’s resting place.  His brother Bob fought with the 78th Army Infantry Division the  “Lightening” and earned the Bronze Star and a Purple Heat Medal (WIA).   Bob survived the war and got home safe.  He never talked about it or the medals that he earned. I hope to follow in your foot steps and should that happen you will be notified.

    Thanks for the update and sysy safe.
