My Dad's service in Vietnam (A Co 2/5th 1st Cav)


I am seeking anyone who might know my Dad.  He was in country from Dec 68 - Dec 69.  Primarily in and around Tay Ninh.  I have his OMPF and can provide additional info if needed.  I would I have spoken to a few VN vets who were part of A Co but not in my Dad's platoon.  I would like to find anyone or perhaps sources for records that could tell me what platoon he was in.

Thomas (Tom) E Clark
1969-1969, 11B40, A Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division

Many thanks.


Parents Reply Children
  • Good morning.  Thank you for your message.  I would love to compare notes.  I have been able to get some traction into A company, but not must past there.  It is real hard getting any sort of info at the platoon level.  I have been able to connect with a handful of vets that served in A but don't think they knew Dad.  I have some resources I can share with you.  What was your Dad's name and rank when he left VN?  Not sure how we exchange contact info

  • Hi Brad, I tried, but the moderator does not let us exchange email addresses/contact info. My Dad was Joseph Winkelbauer and his rank was E5.

  • Hello My name is Norman "Doc" Ray. If your dad was Joe Winkelbauer. he was in 2nd Platoon A 2/5 1st Cav Division. I was the medic in that platoon. Joe Winkelbauer was a natural born leader if I ever saw one. Everything he did was right. He always looked out for the men in his squad and the whole platoon In Nov. 68 we were attacked right as CBS came in to televise Thanksgiving Dinner in the field. Wo lost about 5 men in our platoon and It really upset me to the point that I didn't eat any of the dinner. Joe came over to me with a can of ravioli and told me to eat it or "else." I ate the ravioli. I talked to Joe on the phone in 2004 and tried to get him to come to our reunion. He said no that was a partof his life that was over. I never talked to him after that. He was by far the best soldier I was ever around and an excellent human being to boot. If he was your father you were a very fortunate person.

                                                                                                             DOC RAY

  • Mr Ray,  I want to ask You when my  Dad 1st Sgt Hendrix was in Your unit and the last time You saw him, what platoon and squad. Thank You very much William Hendrix

  • Doc Ray, thank you for your reply and kind words. It means so much to me to read the anecdote you shared. My dad wrote a letter to his friend about the Thanksgiving Day attack and the CBS reporters being there. I found the footage from that CBS TV segment on YouTube, and seeing those young men and the conditions is truly heartbreaking.

    Like most veterans, my dad never wanted to talk about Vietnam. He always brushed it off when I tried to learn and understand; now that I'm an adult, I can understand how painful it must have been for him to conjure up those memories. I can recall two of his Vietnam friends visiting our home in Oshkosh, WI in the late 70s/early 80s. They would sit in the driveway, drink beer, and reminisce. Those were the only glimpses I had into this period of his life.

    My dad passed away before my sons could know him, and I feel honored to share this part of our family history with them. Thank you for your service. Thank you for passing on the legacy of your experience to this next generation.

  • I think your Dad was in the Company when I got there in very early September. He was the only first Sergeant I remember in the Company. The last time I remember seeing Top was shortly after the court martial for the guy who threatened him in March 1969.

  • Thank You very much for that Mr Ray I really appreciate You providing that information to me. Thank You , William Hendrix

  • I think I have a picture of Joe around here somewhere. If you would like, I will send you a copy

  • Hi Doc Ray, I would love to see a photo! You can just post it here online if you're comfortable with that. Otherwise not sure now we can connect?

  • I have tried to upload a picture that I have of your dad. I may have sent it to you already, I cannot remember. I am not able to get it to load on this format. If you are able to give me a facebook page or some other way to connect, I will send it to you.