Looking for info on the QM 2072d trucking company aviation during ww2


    Thank you for posting your question to History Hub!

    The Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR) has custody of the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917- (Record Group 407) and the Records of U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter) (Record Group 338). Military unit files among these records consist mostly of historical reports, after action reports, unit journals, and general orders.  We were able to locate a file on Unit History for the 2072nd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) in the series Unit Histories (entry UD 37042) within Record Group 338.  
    We will be happy to make the records and their finding aids available to you or your representative in the Textual Research Room (Room 2000) here at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. Please visit our website for information about visiting the National Archives in College Park, MD, including how to schedule a research visit.
    We suggest that you continue your search with the Air Force Historical Research Agency.  Unit histories and supporting documents of Army Air Force and Air Force units are in the custody of the Air Force Historical Research Agency, 600 Chennault Circle, Building 1405, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL 36112-6424.  These files often include historical reports.  You should call (334) 953-2395 or write to that office for further information concerning these records. The web site is http://www.afhra.af.mil/
    We invite you to continue the conversation with community members on History Hub, but should you have follow up questions for the staff at Archives II, please email us at archives2reference@nara.gov so that we can assist you further.

    We hope this assists you with your research!


    Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR)
    [RR2RR 23-60681-LN]
  • Where you able to obtain any information on the 2072 Trucking Co.?

  • No but I haven’t worked on it in a while. I tend to continue after first of year. Do you also have an interest in tha company ?

  • My father was in the 2072 here in the states (Colorado and Utah that I know of) and the England and then the Continent.  I believe that he landed on Omaha beach on 6/9 or 6/10/44.

  • They were in the same group then. Do you have any letters, clippings etc relating to the 2072nd ? I know they went in at Omaha and were in the battle of the Bulge . I don’t have a roster & army records were destroyed in St Louis fire