Native American soldiers stationed in the UK during WW2

I am looking for information regarding and Native American soldiers who were stationed in the UK during WW2 with 82nd Airborne possibly 505th regiment, and were in the UK around April 1944. Particularly around the East Midlands area of the United Kingdom 

Parents Reply
  • thank you for this information, i have contacted St Louis, and hope to hear from them soon. I was not able to access the information on the links you gave as the status was "not yet available online". I am looking for a list of Native American men in that unit and to know if there was a dance or an event around early April 1944, because that might mean other unit attended. I have tried to contact 82nd Airborne historians directly but they didn't reply. I don't have the name of my grandfather to request the records off, would this still be the correct contacts ? 
