270th FA Bn.  ETO. WWII

i have been doing some fact finding about the 270th for the last few months and am wondering if anyone on here  has info about this unit?   This was my Grandfathers unit during the war and I would like to learn a little more about it.

Also can someone tell me where this info is from?  I have done so much digging/finding that I now know I did not keep my information in an orderly fashion.  Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

Thanks.   Brian

Parents Reply
  • I have amassed 657 names of men who were assigned to the 270th at one time or another.  Thru the help of many people, especially John Carlson, I have over 500 photos of people, places and things associated with the 270th.  I have about another 2 gigs worth of typed info/data about the unit.  
    How in the world does a fella share that with folks?   There is not a lot of people that give a crap about an obscure heavy artillery unit from WWII, but those who had grandfather, fathers, etc.. may want to see and read some of it.