US Army Training accident in 1989, South Korea

I am looking for articles about a training accident that occurred in South Korea on July 6,1989. It was the 2ID, 2/503 Inf., CSC, Mortar Platoon. A number of South Korean civilians were killed It was published in the 2ID newspaper, The Warrior (?) within a few days and published again in either The Army Times, or Stars and Stripes. I would also appreciate any other articles regarding that incident. Do you or anyone have archive materials regarding this incident? (I looked at Stars and Stripes and to look at their archive, you must join first--without knowing if they even have any archives going back that far. I cannot find any online resources or mentions of the 2ID newspaper or even a Camp Casey newspaper.)

  • Hello I was a lieutenant army nurse working in the ER at 121st evac hospital at that time. I was working the night shift and received the first patients (injuries marines). I had reached out with a question to this forum, looking for a roster of those stationed in my company but still looking! I just saw your post so wanted to reach out. Hope you are doing well.

  • I was attacked by South Korean locals in 1994 and almost died in 121 Hospital. I would love to ask you some questions if you would be up for it. I have been try to find info about other soldiers like me who were brutalized by locals. While I was in hospital several other soldiers were admitted because they were attacked also. I am also looking for places I can FOIA requests to find more info. Like would there be admissions info 121 kept that details why patient was admitted, etc? Hope you are well and I hope you can help me out. TIA

  • Hello,

    I am no longer in the military. I do not have access or information on how to access patient records. I would suggest this is not available to the general public at this time due to HIPAA and privacy protection laws. I don’t think I would have anything to offer you as I was not in Korea in 1994. I am sorry you suffered due to an  encounter such as that. Take care.

  • Edward,

    You should read the thread above in reference that Ms. Collier made regarding accident/safety reports. Hope this helps.

    Here is what she stated in her response 6months ago

    The U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center (USACR/SAFETY CENTER) is the repository and release authority for Army safety accident reports prepared in accordance with Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-40, Army Accident Investigation and Reporting, and Army Regulation 385-10, the Army Safety Program.  For access to Army Ground Accidents Reports from 1973 to the present, please contact the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center, ATTN: CSSC-SS (FOIA), 4905 5th Avenue, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5363.

  • Edward,

    You should read the thread above in reference that Ms. Collier made regarding accident/safety reports. Hope this helps.

    Here is what she stated in her response 6months ago

    The U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center (USACR/SAFETY CENTER) is the repository and release authority for Army safety accident reports prepared in accordance with Department of the Army Pamphlet 385-40, Army Accident Investigation and Reporting, and Army Regulation 385-10, the Army Safety Program.  For access to Army Ground Accidents Reports from 1973 to the present, please contact the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center, ATTN: CSSC-SS (FOIA), 4905 5th Avenue, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5363.

  • Thank you for your reply. I will definitely send them a letter to USACR. I am also trying to find where to send a FOIA for MP reports, because they were first on scene. I am also interested seeing if I can find any intelligence reports from that time and about my attack. There was a guy in my unit that was from SF. He learned Korean before he came to South Korea and was involved with "other things" . I am trying to find him also but all I have is a name. I was not the only American that was Attacked "while just walking home". Another NCO was admitted to hospital from my unit after being attacked from behind. He was struck with a cinder block from behind and fell on his face and smashed his Face and mandible bad. And the more I research the more i find it was common. I will eventually be asking for an investigation into these attacks as they have ruined many lives and actually ended others. Thanks again for your help

  • Hello Everyone,

    Just to let people know regarding Accidents/Incidents. I have reached out to them before, and these records that they have pertain to records involving individuals within the operating capacity of vehicles. This can be in the form of a vehicle, air, or sea. But they do not include individual accident to personnel or individuals. If you had an incident that require hospitalization due to wounds, or playing football on military base chances are you would or should have received some type of LOD or Line of Duty that would have been filled out by the Commander. There are two types of LODs Administrative and Investigative. It depends on how Command wants to utilize their resource's. Also if this incident was large enough they may have involved the IG or Inspector General at the base. So its possible that they may have base records pertaining to IG investigations.

    Hope this helps all parties.

  • Thanks again. I actually have Two DA 2173, Statement of Medical Examination and Duty Status. One from my Commander at the time with no usable info and another from a few moths later from a Commander that took over well after I left that actually has incorrect / wrong information. I wonder why there would be two of these from different people? The statement from my commander states i was Struck by a Korean Taxi and the other statement says it was an"accident". It was not an accident, It was intentional and the person who wrote that was not there and offers no other supporting evidence. This is why I am trying to find the MP reports because they were right there on scene and knew it was intentional.

    I am feeling like it is more convenient for the Army to label this as an accident even though the person who tried to kill me probably did similar actions to other US Soldiers. I have notes from the Evacuation and ER that state driver did not stop and kept going but NO witness or MP statements. I imagine Intelligence knows more about the Attacks that happened when I was there, but I have no idea how to get those declassified.