Seeking official list of WWII Distinguished Flying Cross recipients

According to newspaper reports my Dad, David E. Harnly, received a Distinguished Flying Cross for his participation in medium bomber combat missions over the coast of France during WWII. I've been trying to find an official record of the award but have not had any luck.  Any suggestions on where to look?

Parents Reply
  • This a AWESOME!!  However, I need to show my ignorance ..  could use some help with the acronyms:

    • GO - Figured out that is General Order
    • BS - Bomber Squadron?
    • BG - Bomber Group?
    • AF - Probably Air Force
    • NPRC - ?
    • OLC - ?

    Also, not sure how to interpret the sequence of GOs on the Air Medal Decoration form.  Are those dates of assignments? dates of awards? A combination of both?

    Also, FYI, I've got pictures of Dad with the Murder Inc plane.

    Thanks much for the quick response
