Seeking records of 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team

I'm interested in finding any records relating to the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team (consisting of the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, the 463rd Parachute Field Artillery Battalion and the 596th Parachute Engineer Company). I'm very interested in obtaining morning reports from the companies and the various General Orders for the regiment. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide!

  • Mark,

    Looking for someone that served in the unit?


    Elliot Schneider

  • Hello Elliot I was wondering if you might be able to help me. Ive been doing quite a bit of research on the 517th as my great grandfather was in service company of the regiment. I was able to gain access to his enlistment record and it looks like he was wounded on dec 28 1944 in Belgium. Was wondering if you have any of the casualty reports for that time frame? I also have his draft card and a few morning reports with his name on it but if you have any other information/photos it would be greatly appreciated. Also I have checked the 517th website quite a bit and unfortunately don't see him in the dec 1944 Christmas roster.

    His name and serial number

    PFC/CPL Dwight Lucine Spotswood

    serial number- 39 287 020

    Birth place- Pomona California

    Service time frame March 11 1943-Dec 30 1945

    Service company

       Thank you so much for you time!

  • Kiliyan,

    Sorry for the late reply but here is some information on the individual you seek. It Looks like he was with the 504th PIR Svc Compay and was awarded the BSM and PH medals according to the document below.

  • Thanks so much for the info Elliot, Yes I believe he transferred over to the 504 after the war in Europe had come to an end and the 517th folded into the Pacific bound 13th airborne. I have a few photos of him in Berlin during occupation duty in 1945! Thanks again for your time!

  • Hello Elliot! I did find documentation that says my Grandfather was with the 517th from 1943-1945 so I believe the wounds he received in Belgium would've been with the 517th. I noticed in some of your previous posts you were able to provide some details regarding how certain Purple Hearts were awarded and id like to find the same information about my Grandfathers Purple Heart. Do you by chance have access to any casualty reports from dec 28th 1944? Or could you recommend a place to find that info? Ive already checked the 517th website and scanned through all the photos they have available but haven't had any luck.

    Thanks again for all you do!

    Wounds received- Belgium 28 dec 1944

    His name and serial number

    PFC/CPL Dwight Lucine Spotswood

    serial number- 39 287 020

    Birth place- Pomona California

    Service time frame March 11 1943-Dec 30 1945

    Service company

  • Hello Elliot! I did find documentation that says my Grandfather was with the 517th from 1943-1945 so I believe the wounds he received in Belgium would've been with the 517th. I noticed in some of your previous posts you were able to provide some details regarding how certain Purple Hearts were awarded and id like to find the same information about my Grandfathers Purple Heart. Do you by chance have access to any casualty reports from dec 28th 1944? Or could you recommend a place to find that info? Ive already checked the 517th website and scanned through all the photos they have available but haven't had any luck.

    Thanks again for all you do!

    Wounds received- Belgium 28 dec 1944

    His name and serial number

    PFC/CPL Dwight Lucine Spotswood

    serial number- 39 287 020

    Birth place- Pomona California

    Service time frame March 11 1943-Dec 30 1945

    Service company

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