Seeking members of the 98th Infantry Division from WWII

Hi! I am writing to you on behalf of my grandfather, Hank (Henry) Tagtmeyer. He served in the 98th Infantry Division at the end of WWII as a replacement for the original infantry and trained for deployment in Japan. He was one of 15,000 replacements for the Division at the end of the war. He is looking for information on his unit. He is 94 years old and believes those they relieved all had aged out (why they were replacing them), and wondering if he is the sole surviving member of the unit or if there are others who would like to be reunited with them. If you have any available information or can point me in the right direction, all leads would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Audrey,

    Here is some information that might help. Also I have a question, I have a document from my own research that suggest that there is a Henry W. Tagmeyer, from Goodland, Kansas. Is this your grandfather?

    Arriving in Oahu, Hawaii on 19 April 1944, the roughly 19,590 soldiers of the 98th relieved the 33rd Infantry Division of responsibility for the defense of the Hawaiian Islands and continued training for deployment to Asia. Slated as a participant in Operation Olympic, scheduled for 1 November 1945 as one of two planned invasions of Japan, the 98th was relieved of garrison duties by the 372nd Infantry Regiment on 15 May 1945 to train for that operation.[4] However, the war drew to a close before the 98th was deployed to an active combat zone. Instead, the 98th Infantry Division arrived in Japan on 27 September 1945 and served in Osaka, Japan as part of the occupying force until 16 February 1946 when the unit was inactivated. They most likely participated in the Occupation of Japan.

    98th Infantry Division:

    • 389th Infantry Regiment
    • 390th Infantry Regiment
    • 391st Infantry Regiment
    • Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 98th Infantry Division Artillery
      • 367th Field Artillery Battalion
      • 368th Field Artillery Battalion
      • 399th Field Artillery Battalion
      • 923rd Field Artillery Battalion
    • 323rd Engineer Combat Battalion
    • 323rd Medical Battalion
    • 98th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized)
    • Headquarters, Special Troops, 98th Infantry Division
      • Headquarters Company, 98th Infantry Division
      • 798th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
      • 98th Quartermaster Company
      • 98th Signal Company
      • Military Police Platoon
      • Band
    • 98th Counterintelligence Corps Detachment

    Hope this helps,

    Elliot Schneider

  • This is my grandfather!

    I guess maybe a more precise question is, is there any way to know or find out who is still alive from the 98th, or the 391st, and he was part of the I-company?

  • Dear Ms. Sayles,


    Thank you for posting your request on History Hub!


    We searched the National Archives Catalog and located a series titled Unit Histories, 1943 - 1967 in the Records of U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter) ( Record Group 338) that includes 36 file units of the 98th Infantry Division for the 1940s. We also located the World War II Operations Reports, 1940-1948 in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917-1985 (Record Group 407) that includes records of the 98th Infantry  Division for WWII. For information about these records, please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) via email at


    Since Rosters for units serving in World War II from 1944 - 1946 were destroyed in accordance with Army disposition authorities, we suggest requesting morning reports. Morning reports for Army units from November 1, 1912 to 1959 are in the custody of the National Archives at St. Louis (RL-SL). For access to these records, please contact RL-SL via email at


    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to guidance received from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), NARA has adjusted its normal operations to balance the need of completing its mission-critical work while also adhering to the recommended social distancing for the safety of NARA staff. As a result of this re-prioritization of activities, you may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgement as well as a substantive response to your reference request from RDT2 & RL-SL. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience.


    The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) does not provide services to locate or to determine if any other members of the 98th are still alive. Please review NARA’s Locating Veterans and Service Members web pages for some ideas on how to continue your search.


    We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your search!


  • Audrey, My Father, Donald J. Dantine, was in the 391st Regiment as a unit of the 98 Infantry. Awhile back I had googled my father name and found the history of the 391st. In case you have not scene It I will give you the address. It was in the Bangor Public Library. 

    At the end has a lost of all in the regiment. Your Grandfather is listed.

    My Father passed away in 1994. He was in school when he was called up in May 1942 until Feb.1946. He was a Captain when he was discharged. He was in Japan at the time.

    Wish I could be of more help.

    Don Dantine

  • My grandfather Arley A Hurst served with the 98th in Osaka. He passed away about 15 yra ago though. 

  • Hi Audry,

    My dad served in the 98th as well. Sadly, he died at the age of 66. If he lived, he would be 100 this year.he was born in Albany, NY.

    1. My dad was in the 389th Infantry Regiment of the 98th Division WWII. I would love to know so much more. There was a man from his division that said my dad saved his life. Oddly, I never tried to get in touch with this man. They did not do combat so I’m not sure what happened. Anyway, I thought I’d share some pictures. My dad passed away Nov. 11, 2000. at 79 years old. Cancer.