Seeking DA Form 2408-12 flight records

I am trying to determine my flight time, locations, etc. as door gunner for the unit. I am hoping that locating the DA Form 2408-12 flight records for the aircraft assigned to the 1st Transportation Battalion (Seaborne) on the USNS Corpus Christi Bay in Vung Tau, Viet Nam during the period of October 1969 - January 1970 will help answer some questions. Thank you for your help...

  • Dear Mr. Boye,

    Thank you for posting your request on History Hub!


    Army aircraft flight records, DA Form 2408-12, are retained by the aircraft's unit for a period of six months then are destroyed by the Army in accordance with regulatory guidance.


    Flight records of separated Army personnel are collected at the time of separation by Army transfer point personnel.  These along with the personnel, medical, and dental records are retired to NARA's National Personnel Records Center.  Please complete a GSA Standard Form 180 and mail to the Military Personnel  Records, National Personnel Records Center, 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO  63138-1002. 


    We hope this is helpful.