Seeking roster for 45th Infantry Division

I'm trying to find information on my great grandfather's service in WWII. My mom remembers him talking about liberating concentration camps, and my grandmother remembers that he was artillery and she thinks he trained at Fort Sill. I think that means he would have been in one of the artillery units for the 45th Infantry Division, but I don't know where to find a roster to check.

  • What is his name?

    I have two rosters of the 45th Division plus several Excel worksheets of men who served in the division.


  • Hi.

    My father, Charles Joseph Capra's records were burned up in the Armory fire in St. Louis.  He died in 1966.  We have no records for him other than his registration card and photos.  Some of those photos match the area where Operation Dragoon was executed.  His photos included a lot of concentration camp images.  Horrible images.  His photos seem to point to him potentially being in the 45th Infantry.

    We know he entered as a private and within 6 months was a Master Seargent.  Could you kindly check your records and let me know if you have him on your list?

    Thank you so much!

    Katie Capra Geuin

    (i am new to this page and didn't see a way to send a message without replying to this one with the same subject line)

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  • Hi.

    My father, Charles Joseph Capra's records were burned up in the Armory fire in St. Louis.  He died in 1966.  We have no records for him other than his registration card and photos.  Some of those photos match the area where Operation Dragoon was executed.  His photos included a lot of concentration camp images.  Horrible images.  His photos seem to point to him potentially being in the 45th Infantry.

    We know he entered as a private and within 6 months was a Master Seargent.  Could you kindly check your records and let me know if you have him on your list?

    Thank you so much!

    Katie Capra Geuin

    (i am new to this page and didn't see a way to send a message without replying to this one with the same subject line)

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