Seeking Roster for 45th Inf Division WW2

Short version, I know that my father was transferred from the Army Air Corps to the infantry, I don't know to what division, in the winter of 1944, when the Allies were lined up along the Rhine.

His discharge papers list him as part of HQ & HQ Company 290 Infantry, which, if I'm right was part of the 75th Division, but they were farther to the north, involved in the Bulge. His old dress uniform has a 3rd Infantry Division shoulder patch.

Dad told us he was at Dachau. Just that, no other details. I know that the 45th, the 42nd, and the 3rd Divisions swept down through that area. The 3rd Division was not directly involved in the liberation of Dachau, but Dad, if he was with the 3rd Division, could have been sent over to see the camp. Eisenhower wanted as many as possible to witness the camps.

In his effects was a hard cover book, similar to school year books, of the 180 Infantry, 45th Division, published in Munich,1945. Dad's photo or name is not in the book. Circumstance may have prevented that. Possibly because he had enough points to be shipped home. I have to wonder why he would have that particular book.

Primarily I'm looking for a roster of the 45th Division, but also interested in the same for the 3rd Division.

I look forward to any and all replies.

Thank you.

  • PFC Donald E. Thompson, member of I Company, 3rd Battalion,

    180th Infantry Regiment, per the 29 June 1945 Roster of the

    45th Infantry Division.  Screen shot attached.

    According to the regimental After Action Report of May 1945,

    the 1st and 2nd Battalions were assigned to guard duty at KZ Dachau.

    "On 20 May, the Regiment was incorporated under the Dachau Area

    Command.  Under this Headquarters, the Regimental CP became the

    Dachau Area Command Headquarters."

    George Fisher, in his superb "The Story of the 180th Infantry Regiment,"

    states "On June 9th, our Regiment was relieved of its mission of guarding

    the Dachau Concentration Camp by the 72nd AAA Battalion.  The Regimental

    Command Post was moved into Dachau and training began."

    It appears that most of the regiment remained in the Dachau vicinity until

    20 July, when the regiment embarked by train for Camp St. Louis. "Train

    No. 9, commanded by Major Kirk A. Meaders, and carrying personnel of

    our Third Battalion and five Officers and 95 Enlisted Men of the 120th

    Medical Battalion, left Dachau at 2:35."

    When I have time, Jon, I will look through the General Orders of the 180th

    and see if I can find a CIB for your dad.


    29 June 1945 Division Roster
  • Wow. Thank you, Dave.

    That's the most information, all in one place, nailing things down to a specific place and time, that I've seen on Dad. It's like a window back in time.

    Up till now everything was basically small scattered pieces to the puzzle. His discharge of course just general information, various theaters served in, listing  him attached to HQ CO 290 INF, 75th DIV, but that didn't explain the 3rd DIV patch on his uniform. I've always guessed that was possibly for convenience of shipping home. I've often thought he may have been attached to the 75th after they were sent south to the Colmar Pocket, and when that was over, and the 75th went back north, Dad was transferred out to - my best guess at the time - the 3rd Division.

    This explains the book he had on the 180th Regiment. I always felt there was more than a random reason he would have that, though his name\photo is not in the book.

    I found that book on the 180th Regiment by George Fisher on line. Will order it. 

    Thanks again. 


  • Hey Dave, i just found this thread and made an account to see if you can find any information on my great grand father. His name was Rustling E Boone. He served with the 45th ID when they liberated Dachau and also was at Anzio, thanks in advanced 

  • No record of him in the 29 June 1945 Division Roster nor in my General Orders' Worksheet.


  • In the 29 June 1945 Division Roster, I found a PFC James W. Hensel, ASN 35750697,

    He belonged to G Company, 180th Infantry Regiment.

  • Hey Dave, hope you see this. 

    My Great Grandfather was in the 45th, just unable to find out what regiment, though I suspect the 120th ECB since he was an engineer. 

    His name was Wilfrid Dube (sometimes misspelled as Wilfred in records) out of Lowell, Massachusetts.

    A check on your roster would mean a lot, thanks! 

  • Hi, Sam.

    I can indeed confirm that your great-grandfather, Wilfrid Dube, was a member of B Company, 120th Engineer Combat Battalion.  B Company usually supported the 179th Infantry Regiment.

    Attached is a screenshot of the 3 January 1944 B Company Roster, 120th ECB, with his mis-spelled first name.

    He is also listed in the 29 June 1945 Division Roster, still a T/5.

  • Thank you so much, Dave! This means a lot to my family and I. 

  • Dave Kerr,

    Do you have anything on Raymond F. Armstrong?  45th Inf Division.  By a letter he wrote on March 11, 1945, the "From" says "G C 179th Inf".  I'm taking a guess that means G Company 179th infantry.  The 179th was part of the 45th.  The timeline from his letter to the point in he was injured approx two weeks later, lines up. That's just  based on my research which is not much.  The only thing I know for sure is he was part of the 45th.  

    Thank you in advance.
