How may I obtain a copy of citation Rhineland GO 40 WD 45?
My father in law received the Bronze Star and European African Middle Eastern Theater medals. The notation on his discharge papers for battles is Rhineland GO 40 WD 45.
How may I obtain a copy of citation Rhineland GO 40 WD 45?
My father in law received the Bronze Star and European African Middle Eastern Theater medals. The notation on his discharge papers for battles is Rhineland GO 40 WD 45.
Also, WD GO 118 dated 12 December 1945 (PDF pages 33-114 of the DAGO1945.pdf file linked in "A.A." post of Nov 25, 2022 8:59 AM)) lists the "Units Entitled to Battle Credits" for the Rhineland Campaign, although it also does not describe unit activities.
Some additional files containing General Orders can be found at URL ""
Also, WD GO 118 dated 12 December 1945 (PDF pages 33-114 of the DAGO1945.pdf file linked in "A.A." post of Nov 25, 2022 8:59 AM)) lists the "Units Entitled to Battle Credits" for the Rhineland Campaign, although it also does not describe unit activities.
Some additional files containing General Orders can be found at URL ""
With Fort Benning being renamed Fort Moore, this link changed to