Seeking info on homes built 1925 on 6100 Block of Nassau Rd in Philadelphia
Seeking info on homes built 1925 on 6100 Block of Nassau Rd in Philadelphia
What type of information? The 1930 census would show who lived on that block. The Philadelphia Planning Commission or Dept. might have records for permitting the construction. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps if they exist would show the houses and their construction.
Thanks, I’m looking for any historical information on the history of these homes and their architecture build structure.
Thanks for posting on History Hub!
The Free Library of Philadelphia was a wonderful guide for researching a home's history with local records in Philadelphia called "How to Research the History of a House," which you can download.
The West Philadelphia Community History Center also has an online guide "Introduction to Historic Residential Architecture,"
Hopefully other community members may have additional suggestions in additional to the wonderful ones you already received.
We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your research!