Would old rental records exist for Marbury, MD., in Charles County where my parents rented a house on or near Sweden Point road from 1964 through 1967?
Would old rental records exist for Marbury, MD., in Charles County where my parents rented a house on or near Sweden Point road from 1964 through 1967?
HistoryHub is sponsored by the U.S. National Archives. What federal records do you think they have about house rentals? Was the house federal property? What sort of information are you looking for? If there are city directories available during that time, or even telephone directories, you might be able to find out their address at the time.
Hi Joel, still looking for that old house address. Charles County Maryland Public Libraries said they do not keep old phone books.
What about any Historical Societies of the area or Genealogy Societies and their libraries?
Another great point of reference, thanks Joel.