When did my great grandfather Evariste A. Talbot enter the United States of America from Quebec, Canada?
When did my great grandfather Evariste A. Talbot enter the United States of America from Quebec, Canada?
We suggest that you review the information and resources available on the National Archives website, including Resources for Genealogists, as well as the History Hub Blog titled Suggestions and Advice for Family History Researchers Immigrant Records at the National Archives, Immigration Records, and Passenger Arrival Records. We also suggest that you review the History Hub blogs Passenger Arrival Records at the National Archives, Passenger Arrival List Research Tips, and Immigration and Naturalization Records: Where are they?.
We suggest that you review the information and resources available on the National Archives website, including Resources for Genealogists, as well as the History Hub Blog titled Suggestions and Advice for Family History Researchers Immigrant Records at the National Archives, Immigration Records, and Passenger Arrival Records. We also suggest that you review the History Hub blogs Passenger Arrival Records at the National Archives, Passenger Arrival List Research Tips, and Immigration and Naturalization Records: Where are they?.