My Grandfather

According to family stories my grandfather Karl Stanislav Knefel (known to me as Stanley K Knefel) came to US from Poland by ship (Dromore) in 1899 or 1900. I am looking for any information about that. I would also like to see his 1914 Naturalization papers. He could have been in Denver or St Louis when he became naturalized....he also had a brother Charles but I don't know anything about him except that he too came from Poland

Thanks for any help you can give me



  • FYI only
    I don’t think that Stanislaw’s BC is online yet, but maybe you are interested in the Roman Catholic marriage of his probable parents:
    “Parafia rzymskokatolicka w Michałkowicach (Michalkowitz)
    Marriages, Michałkowice św. Michała Archanioła
    10 Sep 1860 - Marriage Alois KNEFFEL X Lucia STOMPEL

  • My uncle had given my dad this info but I would like to know if my grandfather had any siblings...I heard of a Charles that was said to be his brother but I know nothing about him but I believe I have a photo of him.

  • So the parents’ names nd their location were passed on to you, but you did not bother to pass this information on yourself?
    Because, once the parents names were known, individuals like Józef and Emanuel Knefel with the same parents turned up.

    I suppose that you already know that Stanislaw’s marriage document uses the name “Charles S” (not illogical as Karol = Charles) … Is it possible that this has started the assumption of a brother called Charles?
    FYI There was a Charles living in Missouri who was born in the late 1880’s, but mum would have been abt 50 by then … not impossible, but unlikely. I suppose that it is possible that he was a nephew instead …  

  • As far as my great grandparents I just had the names no other info on them. The marriage document for my grandparents really confused me I didn't make the connection from Karol to Charles because I believe my grandfather did have a brother Charles. It sure would have helped to have a DOB for them. I know that is their wedding date so I guess your guess is probably correct. My grandmother spoke Polish and English but I believe my grandfather who didn't talk to us kids probably struggled with English which could have resulted in the Charles name being on that record. I want to visit the church and find out what records they have and if the name is different on the church documents.

  • As far as my great grandparents I just had the names no other info on them. Where do I find out info on Jozef and Emanuel....I had an uncle Emanuel. The marriage document for my grandparents really confused me I didn't make the connection from Karol to Charles because I believe my grandfather did have a brother Charles. It sure would have helped to have a DOB for them. I know that is their wedding date so I guess your guess is probably correct. My grandmother spoke Polish and English but I believe my grandfather who didn't talk to us kids probably struggled with English which could have resulted in the Charles name being on that record. I want to visit the church and find out what records they have and if the name is different on the church documents.

  • As far as my great grandparents I just had the names no other info on them. Where do I find out info on Jozef and Emanuel....I had an uncle Emanuel. The marriage document for my grandparents really confused me I didn't make the connection from Karol to Charles because I believe my grandfather did have a brother Charles. It sure would have helped to have a DOB for them. I know that is their wedding date so I guess your guess is probably correct. My grandmother spoke Polish and English but I believe my grandfather who didn't talk to us kids probably struggled with English which could have resulted in the Charles name being on that record. I want to visit the church and find out what records they have and if the name is different on the church documents.

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