My maternal great grandparents immigrated from Lithuania in 1907

My maternal great grandparents immigrated from Lithuania in 1907, showing in the 1920 census in Michigan. How can I find what ship they came on and where in Lithuania they came from?

Parents Reply
  • I sound like a broken record, but you need to find someone who can read (19th century) handwritten Russian ... I would have been more useful If it had been some West European document, but East European documents are not part of my skill set.

    Reg the location, a week ago I wrote the following:

    Rose Stabingas had other family in Michigan and Pennsylvania and they seem have originated from the parish of Veisiejai (Polish: Wiejsieje; Russian: Veĭsee).

    All the events that I have mentioned were registered in this parish, but occurred in towns located in this parish e.g. Petroškai

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