My maternal great grandparents immigrated from Lithuania in 1907, showing in the 1920 census in Michigan. How can I find what ship they came on and where in Lithuania they came from?
My maternal great grandparents immigrated from Lithuania in 1907, showing in the 1920 census in Michigan. How can I find what ship they came on and where in Lithuania they came from?
The passenger arrival list will probably list at least their last residence. You did not give their names and birth years, so it is difficult to help you look for their arrival.
If you want help here, the name of your grandparents on arrival, their birthdates and places, the port of arrival, did they come together or separately, others coming with them, would be a start. If they came through Ellis Island a free search site is at:
There names are Jonas Petrucikas (translated Petrucikas on 1920 census) and Rosa Stabingas (maiden name). I do not know if they were already married when they came, but the oldest child listed in census would have been born in 1908 in Michigan so it could be either way. Both claimed on the census that they and their parents were born in Lithuania, but no city. The date of immigration is given as 1907, but no port or ship.
MalRay I am also working on this individual and his wife. Can we share notes?
Could this be Jonas’ naturalization file?:
And therefore this his 2 Nov 1909 arrival as “Iwan Petranis” (#15)
MalRay.... using your information, and I enter first name starts with Jonas, Last Name sounds like Petrucikas (as the starts with gave no results)... and I like to check off full date of arrival and ship boxes... and then search I get some possible names.... see:
Sylvia This is what causes grey hair. Your link has to be some relationship but right not I don't know now. Here is link to his death certificate and passenger list (line 10)
OMG you are right … there were 2 guys in Grand Rapids who had rather a lot in common:
They had (more or less) the same name
They were born in Russia/Lithuanaia in the 1880’s.
They died in in Michigan in the 1940's.
They worked in a furniture factory
Both were divorced at least once
They had sons called John and Joseph (of course your guy did have more children)
Between 1912 and 1931 the other ”John” (aka Iwan Petranis) married 3 times in Grand Rapids, but I suspect that your “John” might have married before coming to America as his wife would have had 4 children by April 1910 (1910 Census: (#48)). I suppose that he could have had a set of twins, but it is hard to know with only 2 children of 4 surviving by 1910 i.e Antoni b abt 1907/8 and Mary b Dec 1909.
Note: The 1930 census ( (#35)) mentions that Rose would have been 16 when she married for the first time i.e. abt 1903/4, so most likely before immigration!!!
When I looked at that 1907 passenger list that you mentioned ( (#10)), there are a few things that made me doubt that it could be your guy…
#1 - As mentioned before, I believe that your guy would have been married before he left Russia/Lithuania in 1907, but this passenger list has “single”
#2 - The guy on the passenger list is going to Chicago ... Yes, he could have travelled to Grand Rapids from Chicago, but I believe that that person was still in Chicago in 1930 because of the “11” in the number above this name (Not 100% confident though).
I haven’t been able to pinpoint your couple’s arrival, but I think that I might have found their marriage ….
Rose Stabingas had other family in Michigan and Pennsylvania and they seem have originated from the parish of Veisiejai (Polish: Wiejsieje; Russian: Veĭsee). FYI only: In this parish is a little village called Petroškai, that might have been the source for your guy’s surname.
You’ll need to find someone who can actually read Russian to check the following, but I believe that this is Rose’s brother Anthony’s 1877 birth: (#108)
(FYI His parents were mentioned in his 1832 DC:
Unfortunately I can’t check births for the years 1887-1890 because they seen to be missing, but this seems to be John and Rose’s 1904 marriage: (#19)
(FYI John’s 1942 death mentions that his father’s name was Anthony: )
And a possible child for the couple in 1906: (#143)
I am working on the marriage. I have used ChatGPT and got a a translation but I have no Idea what wrong but I have found a couple who speak Russian and they are going to try and translate it for me.
It is a bit half-baked and contains various issues, but this is the closest I could get to an English translation using various online utilities:
It took place in Veissi on the twenty-ninth of June, the twelfth of the year One thousand ninety-four (1904 of course) at four o'clock in the afternoon. The authorities declared that in the presence of witnesses Stanislav Yanulevich Arain, thirty-one years of age, from the village of Miceni and Khvsnts Vassvich, mistress of twenty-nine years, from the village of Pozozhe. a religious marriage union was concluded on this day between Ivan Petrutsik, a bachelor, twenty-two years old worker who gave birth (was born??? ) and now lives in the village of Petrashki, (Petroškai?) son of the late Anton and Elizaveta née Marcinkiewicz, and Rozaley Stabingis, a virgin twenty-two years old, daughter of the late Peter and Skat (I think this should be something like “Agaza”?) née Vilnal, born and currently living with her brother on the estate in the village of Petrashkal (Petroškai?). The marriage was preceded by three announcements of publication,in the Veisei parish church on Sundays and namely on the nineteenth/twenty-sixth of July and essentially July of the new style of the current year. The newlyweds declared that they had not entered into a marriage contract. The religious wedding ceremony was performed by priest Joseph Kraszczycki, the local Vicar. This act has been signed by us. The newlyweds and witnesses are illiterate. Containing states of civil status
(FYI I haven't been able to find the Russian version for the current town Petroškai ....)