Information on German Immigrants 1839

I am looking for any information on Mary (Maria) Barbara Staerger Beidel born 11/12/1812 in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. She died 1/2/1881 in Chambersburg, PA. She was married to John B Beidel also born in Germany on 2/26/1806, died Chambersburg, PA on 5/14/1874. She, her husband and her mother, Elenor Louise Staerger, born 10/6/1783 in Germany and died 1/31/1870 in Chambersburg, PA, left Weissheim, Germany in April 1839 and arrived in America in September 1839. I can not find where Weissheim, Germany is on the map; it does not exist anymore. I know it was in the Grand Duchy of Baden. I am also looking for the port from which they left and the name of the ship, if possible, and which port they arrived at here in America. Any help would be greatly appreciated.