James Russell "Major" White of DeKalb County Tennessee lived in the Alexandria, Tennessee area. Who are his parents?

James Russell "Major" White of DeKalb County Tennessee lived in the Alexandria, Tennessee area in 1850. He was born on 1818 in North Carolina that became this part of Tennessee. The 1860 Census shows his Family number to be 1205 and Dwelling number 1217. Is there any way to determine which farm that might be now or even an approximate location? I'm hoping this will give a firm identification of his parents because the only two possibilities that I can fine are Littleberry W White who would have been 70 at the time of his birth, and Thomas White who would have been 15 years old. Neither of these make sense.

  • Hi Patti,

    Thanks so much.  I am very familiar with this book and the authors.  However, they pursue the many descendants with the starting person as James Russell "Major" White and do not go back any further with his parents.  This has always been a mystery that no one has been able to confirm legitimately.  Two possibilities are 1) Littleberry W White who would have been 70 years old at his birth in 1818 and the other 2) Thomas White who would have been 15 years old.  Neither are likely due to their ages.  Some of the family trees that I have accessed state birth date of 1828 which would make Thomas White work, but his headstone in the "Head Cemetary" states birth is 1818 not 1828.    Again, thank you so much for your remarks. Blessings.  James G White 

  • James,

    It sounds like you are having the same issues and I did trying to find my family. I'm still searching. That's why I help out on here, because I know it can be frustrating and also great when you find one more piece of the puzzle. Our last name was changed. Been a fun search...grrr.  Good luck. I'll keep trying. 


Reply Children
  • Thanks Patti,

    Yes, it is frustrating, but I know the answer is there somewhere.  I have found more information for his wife Mary Garrison than anyone.  Apparently, they were fairly prominent in Liberty, TN during the mid 1800's. I have targeted him specifically and I have found more information searching his immediate family than anywhere.  On his death certificate he is listed as Major White as signed by his eldest son Thomas Mills.  He had a slew of children and I know my great grandfather William Joel had 121 acres of the old homestead.  My Uncle Warden (2nd cousin) owned an adjacent 160 acres and I'm not sure how many of the other children had part of the original property, but I'm hoping a deed search will show that.  

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards,


  • You're welcome James,

    I'll still keep looking. Never know what you will find.

    Kind Regards,
