Finding two great aunts

Trying to find the history of two lost great aunts. Louvella and Estella Holley, born in 1892 and 1896. Their mother was Sallie Ann Wimberly Holley. They were born in Johnston County, NC. Raised in the township of Meadow, NC. It is possible that they were institutionalized for a tragic accident involving their father between 1900 and 1912.

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    Thanks for posting in History Hub!

    This does sound like a difficult brick wall in your research. Even if institutionalized, they would likely be listed in the 1910 census. One possible strategy might be to seek out where they may have gone to live. NCPedia has an entry on Poverty that actually happens to mention the Johnston County "Poor House" in this link here: There are some sources cited for the article you could follow up on. Do keep in mind that if they were sent to an institution it may not necessarily have been within the county they lived, and it may not have been a poor house but an asylum, orphanage, etc. 

    Hopefully other community members may have additional suggestions.

    We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your research!

  •  , 

    Thanks for posting in History Hub!

    This does sound like a difficult brick wall in your research. Even if institutionalized, they would likely be listed in the 1910 census. One possible strategy might be to seek out where they may have gone to live. NCPedia has an entry on Poverty that actually happens to mention the Johnston County "Poor House" in this link here: There are some sources cited for the article you could follow up on. Do keep in mind that if they were sent to an institution it may not necessarily have been within the county they lived, and it may not have been a poor house but an asylum, orphanage, etc. 

    Hopefully other community members may have additional suggestions.

    We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your research!

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