Evans Green, possibly Robert Evans Green or William Evans Green. Married sept 1865, son Robert Raymond Green was born Feb. 4, 1866. No record of Evans after that. Family lore says he headed west to find gold.
Evans Green, possibly Robert Evans Green or William Evans Green. Married sept 1865, son Robert Raymond Green was born Feb. 4, 1866. No record of Evans after that. Family lore says he headed west to find gold.
jillymac ,
We also suggest that you review NARA’s Resources for Genealogists, as well as the History Hub Blog titled Suggestions and Advice for Family History Researchers. Also, the FamilySearch Research wikis for United States Genealogy and Illinois Research 1850-1910 and the Library of Congress pages on We are trying to compile a family history, What free resources can I use for genealogy?, and Local History and Genealogy Reference Services may be useful.
Other History Hub community members may also have suggestions.
jillymac ,
We also suggest that you review NARA’s Resources for Genealogists, as well as the History Hub Blog titled Suggestions and Advice for Family History Researchers. Also, the FamilySearch Research wikis for United States Genealogy and Illinois Research 1850-1910 and the Library of Congress pages on We are trying to compile a family history, What free resources can I use for genealogy?, and Local History and Genealogy Reference Services may be useful.
Other History Hub community members may also have suggestions.