My husband's grandfather was born in Wonszas, Poland, is that the same as Warsaw?

My husband's grandfather was born in 1874 in Wonszas, Poland/Russia/Prussia. Trying to find out whether this is another spelling of Warsaw?

  • With the info on the naturalization doco, I found the following departure of the Wieland from Hamburg on 21 May 1893 with a possible 20 year old Felix: (#485)

    The Wieland arrives in New York on 3 Jun 1893 - (#547, another spelling variant).

    In his naturalization papers Felix mentioned that he’d traveled from Russia via Bremen, but this specific voyage of the Wieland only had Hamburg and Havre as ports of embarkation. Of course he could have traveled to Hamburg from Bremen. If this is the right guy, then his last residence would have been in Plock.


    BTW I would have liked to have had a look at the family in the 1900 census, but it won’t show itself (The 1910-1950 census years are not an issue). Have you had better luck, or is there a possibility that the family might have visited the “old country” around 1900? At the moment the first US event that I have been able to find online is son Joseph’s death in 1908 (, so there is a bit of a gap between 1893 and 1908 regarding documentation.

  • @rmirandaw


    It has been a few days since I posted my previous message, but have not seen any feedback or acknowledgement since then. I could add more to this post but am wondering whether you’ve already found your answers or whether it isn’t important any more?

  • Hi Sylvia. I apologize for not responding sooner. I am a college student, and also have an elderly mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s Disease. Sadly, we just can’t manage her care at home anymore and had to move her into an assisted living facility. It’s been challenging trying to help her adjust. This week, she developed a blood clot in her lower leg and has to have a procedure done to protect her heart. Needless to say, I haven’t had much time to myself for much of anything. I really do appreciate the work you've done to help me. I should be able to get back to it in the next few days. I thank you for your patience as well. 


  • Hi Sylvia. I apologize for not responding sooner. I am a college student, and also have an elderly mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s Disease. Sadly, we just can’t manage her care at home anymore and had to move her into an assisted living facility. It’s been challenging trying to help her adjust. This week, she developed a blood clot in her lower leg and has to have a procedure done to protect her heart. Needless to say, I haven’t had much time to myself for much of anything. I really do appreciate the work you've done to help me. I should be able to get back to it in the next few days. I thank you for your patience as well. 


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