Seeking birthplace & original birth record for Michael Angerer

I am looking for birthplace and original birth record for Michael Angerer who was born February 2, 1809 in Bayern/Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg(?).  Was buried(?) on August 3 or 6 in Michigan or at son's Christian Angerer in Cleveland, Ohio. Different places given on Ancestry etc.

  • Mr. Damm,

    Michael Angerer was born 18 Feb 1809 in Lehmingen, Oettingen, Bavaria.  You can find the records on Archion, which is a subscription site.

    Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Oettingen i.Bay. > Lehmingen > Taufen 1794-1894

    Image 33/190.

    From all records I've seen he died in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, but is buried in Ida, Monroe Co, MI.   

    Hope this helps,


    Genealogical Society of Monroe Co, MI

  • Mr. Damm,

    Michael Angerer was born 18 Feb 1809 in Lehmingen, Oettingen, Bavaria.  You can find the records on Archion, which is a subscription site.

    Bayern: Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evang.-Luth. Kirche > Dekanat Oettingen i.Bay. > Lehmingen > Taufen 1794-1894

    Image 33/190.

    From all records I've seen he died in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, but is buried in Ida, Monroe Co, MI.   

    Hope this helps,


    Genealogical Society of Monroe Co, MI

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