Seeking birthplace & original birth record for Michael Angerer

I am looking for birthplace and original birth record for Michael Angerer who was born February 2, 1809 in Bayern/Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg(?).  Was buried(?) on August 3 or 6 in Michigan or at son's Christian Angerer in Cleveland, Ohio. Different places given on Ancestry etc.

Parents Reply Children
  • Dear Mr. Damm,


    Thank you for posting your follow-up request on History Hub!


    After you have determined the town or village where Michael Angerer lived in Germany, we suggest that you check to see what birth records are available online and in the FamilySearch catalog using a "place search" for the specific location.  Keep in mind that even when the town is known, that town might be part of a large regional parish headquartered in a nearby town. So the parish where their baptism, marriage, and burial records were kept may be found in catalogs and archives under a different name than the town of their actual residence.  We suggest that you refer to the FamilySearch Research wiki on Germany Genealogy for more information.


    We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your family research!